seed-train Signup for 2016 United States seed train start date of Tuesday November 1st

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I don't grow many very hot peppers  like reaper etc...that being said, I would be more than willing  to share my list of what  I  grew in 2016 with both Jeffs...& if any I have catches your fancy PLMK...I have given away/traded a good amount  but I do have some left.
Jeff if you have an issue with what ive been doing then by all means please pm me. I was only active for 2 minutes yesterday and the same today. I have been operating on my own schedule due to many numerous work related duties. This will go back out when I am able. The other stuff that was sent was forwarded right away and I didnt have to deal with it after. It will be restarted when I am able. End of discussion for now
This is absurd. Shove the contents into a flat rate shipping envelope and drop it off at the post office, just like you did with the other package. Why is this package somehow more time consuming? Enough with these excuses. I don't buy it and I doubt anyone else does.

You have my address. End of discussion.
Yeah, I don't understand how hard it is to find a few minutes in the last three months to drop something off at the post office...especially something you agreed to do, but then just decided that you're more important than everyone else. But please don't let this distract us from the fact that in 1998 The Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell In A Cell, and plummeted 16 ft through an announcer's table.

End of discussion.
In the meantime I will start another seedtrain using my own collection to get things going. The package will ship on Monday.
Glad to see Jeff C  taking this on & I know he will do I recall Jeff's a rather generous & caring person, when he started here & gave lots of seeds to many people.
He even sent to many out of the country to far away destinations at his expense.
It's only early March & there is time to sow seeds & enjoy some peppas...& why not..
I know life gets in the way sometimes & somethings  obviously take precedent ,maybe in future a "back up person" can move things along if something comes up..HINT HINT.
I know how I'd fell if I was waiting that LONG  for  the seed train  & it ran out of steam....I'd be steaming  m*d. :rolleyes:
Good on you Jeff.   a "TAKE CHARGE GUY" :P
;) I don't think I'm the gal for this  as I am only planning on growing mostly Wilds,,,,"IF" I undertake any seed train   it  would be for  Wilds only.
I  lot depends on what I harvest this summer...& my mood  ..& &&  lol
I am sure someone will pick up the slack if that needs to be done.Its all about planning & I believe if you plan on doing this again  for "18  then someone will step up to the plate & help out... Communications is what betters any situation..Let's see what happens with the grow for now. :P
Jeffcontonio said:
I like that idea wiriwiri. Would you be interested in being the designated backup?

We can survive without a backup to the backup for now. I'm curious how we're going to attach the new train to the old train when it comes times to send it around again for round #2? The original plan was to shuffle the list.
Once the original train is sent to me I can combine them or send it to the first person on the wait list.

I'll take a poll when it's in my possession and see how you guys would like to proceed.

As for the backup, if the need should arrive I will find another to take the lead. However as I am a stay at home dad, I don't see my personal life interfering with the progress.
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