• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Sili Grow 2012

The stakes are higher (hotter) for me this year. My main grow starts in a couple of weeks, but I thought I'd test fire some of these C. Chinense varieties in baggies / coffee filters just to get a feel for germination rates. Baccatums and Annuums start later. My main grow will involve Hoffman's Seed Starter medium in 72-cell flats.

This is a pretty big 'test,' and I'll grow 'em forward if they sprout, then compare with the dirt-born later.

Thanks to those enablers who sent seeds and advice. I hope to let you know how they turn out. I thusly unleash heavenly hellish heat upon thyself.

An unholy out-of-the-ground beginning:


A high tech germination center:

Thanks, I enjoy the SB puree very much. The reason I made that stuff was because at the end of the 2011 season I had a massive pile of Scotch Bonnets beginning to rot, and I didn't want them to go to waste. My aim was to try to preserve the flavor and aroma of the chiles, without adding any cleverness of my own. What the processing did was actually intensify the flavor of the Scotch Bonnets, far more than what one tastes when eating fresh pods. The fresh-squeezed lime juice is there solely to prevent oxidation, but it does add some flavor.

I've read that the Sriracha bottle is largely responsible for the success of the sauce...People love to squirt their pepper sauce. I have to confess sometimes late at night I "nurse" the Sriracha bottle I have at home, but it's a little too salty for my taste... :cool:

My daughter found some plastic squirt bottles at the grocery store...They are perfect for squirting chile puree, and they have a little resealable cap. I'll post a pik when I get home...
This is one of the bottles my daughter got down at Albertson's. I've only just put the puree in there, so I don't know how the bottle will perform over the long haul. Maybe this should be another thread...anyway, I'm thinking this is a good way to preserve a large crop of Scotch Bonnets.

Thanks, Gary! It is relevant in this thread as a way to visualize the end result of all of this crazy growing: getting the pods into an edible format! I like that smaller bottle size--I can see having several of these in the fridge with different blends for different whims and recipes. I spend some time over in the 'Sauces' side of this great forum, and have a lot to learn and enjoy about the processes. I'm going to bug guys like you and PIC 1 Greg big time this fall for recipes and techniques.

Meanwhile, back at the plant growing phase, here is my first clone attempt. After PaulG made me interested in the the unlimited world of plant expansion, I decided to take these cuttings from my over-wintered plants. A Siling Labuyo and Cumari (seedling cutting) on top, and 2 Pequin Bailey on the bottom.

And some Aji Rojo. The stems are about 1.5-inches long and include some node from leaves I pulled off. I dipped the stems in some Rootone powder, and also added some very weak nutes. I'm keeping the growing medium nearly saturated for a few days while they root. I am highly skeptical, put would sure be pleased if they make it! They look pathetic right now. Will be interesting to see if they can out-peform their counterparts I'm growing from seeds.
Lookin good dude! Glad I came across your glog I didn't even know you had one! You have a very nice wide variety of peppers your growing! I know you've heard this 50 times but that maui purple really is a freaking beauty. Paul too has me interesting in cloning.. I'm interested to see how yours will do. Good luck! Whens plant out for you? same as over here? April? Thanks again for the gnat advice my friend.

Hope all is well with you.
It's Miller Time--also Baccatum and Annuum time --Month old plants begging for a pot up. Grown is Hoffman's Seed Starter Mix, nuted with Botanicare ProGrow, Karma and CalMag, ocassional Fish treat. 1/4 dose every watering. Gave them all a top-watering 3 days ago. They didn't complain.

On with the mesmerization:


Final report on the "Cup vs Dirt Born" germination test. It pretty much came out a draw. Both methods work. Cup-born are to the left of the ruler.

Canopy view. A couple of Pequins gotta play the stubborn drama queen role (cell 47).

Now, its game time: what is different in this tray?.... Hint: there are two #58 plants. (plants are numbered on upper left side of cell)

PUZZLE ANSWER: It is the featured plant of the week: The Peppermania Mystery plant. #58- C. Chinense in a forest of Annuum! It's the plump powerhouse lying low amongst the tall skinny kids. I think I have 3 mystery plants in all.

Thanks for playing along! I promise not to bombard you with a mono wall of green again, at least not like this. But you gotta love the Annuums when they get rolling It means Spring is really coming.... :cool:
Ha! A Chinense in the wood pile! That's funny! Your seedlings look great at the one month stage, bro! I know you are chompin' at the bit for Spring to get 'em outside! Good on ya for getting the clone thing on! Just be patient and not too much light or too wet and I bet they turn out great. One of the problems I had early on when I was doing herbs was stem rot becuz I kept things too wet.

I'll be back to see how the attack of the clones is going : )
Behind the curve update! I've been absent from my plants quite a bit (oh, the horror...) and the Glogosphere almost entirely last month. I hope Mayor PaulG does not put me in the stocks.

Plant update later....just now finalizing a mini hoop hoose attempting to buy some extra weeks of Springtime growth. It's a small battle to counter the ill effects of extended coolPacific NW weather. Thanks to Tonly, AJ, Steiner and others for ideas leading to--"La Double Cloche" aka "Double Wide Conestoga sans Wheels"

This baby is fully loaded with retractable everything, except the moon roof. (Dang, an inch taller and I wouldn't bump my head every time.)

Footprint of structure over the two raised beds is about 8-ft x 9-ft. It serves to warm the two raised beds to allow earlier planting of some lucky peppers and tomatoes. Also to store excess plants outgrowing the indoors lights. Still about a month out from in-ground planting here.

Not of HIS watch. Mr. Ming's best score of the year:

I'll post up some plant photos after paying some seriosly delayed pot-up dues. hope to catch up on glogs scene also this week.... :cool:
Glad you are updating again bro. Even if it's a pika? Marmot? Vol? Nice piece of land there. I could get used to waking up to that. Now bring on the pepper pics.
Nice little structure! Can't wait to see it full of life! Er...um...and some more death to! Nice score Mr. Ming!!!
Nice update Ken

I like the "walk through" botanical gardens that you constructed. It will get you through the spring into the warm weather with no problems.
I bet you could hit 100 degrees with the flaps down ,
Haha.......I like the "prowling cat"...............good catch with the varment............now you got to teach him to get the fish out of the lake.......
One of my cats came out with me in the yard yesterday......as I was screening some container soil he just happen to find some cat nip. He ate a whole bunch and before I knew it he was in the wheel barrel rollin around in the dirt................. :crazy: .............well he sure didn't like the bath he got afterwards...
Hey, 200+ plus peppers......I hear you have and a bunch of new lights.................cool!
Good luck with the outdoor transition...........I know it will be a good year for ya

Good to see you in the glogiverse again, Ken! No stocks for you, buddy!

That Hoop house is just great! That should be very serviceable, indeed.
I'm with Shane, can't wait to see a jungle of pepper plants in there!
Good luck getting it just the way you want it, my friend!

BTW, the NuMex Twilight from the seed you sent is doing great;
will post a pic in the next day or two.
Glad you are updating again bro. Even if it's a pika? Marmot? Vol? Nice piece of land there. I could get used to waking up to that. Now bring on the pepper pics.
Thanks, PrO! Not sure what the creature exactly is, mole vole or other. This is one that can drag down a pepper plant in the middle of the night. The Ming brings them in all sizes, including the ocassional big rat and squirrel. The Ming also has a fox 'friend' in the area, and they don't tangle, but have seen them just stare at each other at about 10 paces apart.

Nice little structure! Can't wait to see it full of life! Er...um...and some more death to! Nice score Mr. Ming!!!
Thanks, I sometimes feel like a pioneer crossing the plains in that structure, with the wind beating all around inside. I think I am climate-wise where you were a few month ago, and constantly messing with fluctuating temps inside. The Ming kill machine is amazing--consumes them but somehow leaves the gut sack completely intact-- by the door. Ewwww.

Its about freaking time.
Dog ate my homework...got a flat tire... abducted by aliens...I can either GROW stuff or POST stuff LOL, or spend precious days reading novelettes by the likes of you, STC, Paul G, etc etc

I like the "walk through" botanical gardens that you constructed. It will get you through the spring into the warm weather with no problems.
I bet you could hit 100 degrees with the flaps down ,
Haha.......I like the "prowling cat"...............good catch with the varment............now you got to teach him to get the fish out of the lake.......
One of my cats came out with me in the yard yesterday......as I was screening some container soil he just happen to find some cat nip. He ate a whole bunch and before I knew it he was in the wheel barrel rollin around in the dirt................. :crazy: .............well he sure didn't like the bath he got afterwards...
Hey, 200+ plus peppers......I hear you have and a bunch of new lights.................cool!
Good luck with the outdoor transition...........I know it will be a good year for ya
Yea, still working on the fine points of my ghetto botanicals. Sun comes out and it easily rockets to 100+ with flaps down. The shot above with some end flaps partially up gets me to 80-ish. The plan is to take it down by mid-June or perhaps retain the structure with 'full flaps up' through the season, or even use a shade cloth in August. Then re-deploy in the Fall to extend the season then. A work in progress.

Yea, I've upgraded to a total of 7 T8 light fixtures..I have a bunch of peppers and now realizing the chores involved with a bigger scale production. Who knew it was easier to sprout them than to properly sustain them? I just remind myself what you must be going through and I realize I should stop whining and get to work.

Good to see you in the glogiverse again, Ken! No stocks for you, buddy!

That Hoop house is just great! That should be very serviceable, indeed.
I'm with Shane, can't wait to see a jungle of pepper plants in there!
Good luck getting it just the way you want it, my friend!

BTW, the NuMex Twilight from the seed you sent is doing great;
will post a pic in the next day or two.

Thanks, PaulG. I was thinking I could still do some pot-ups or weeding if the stocks were located near the garden--in fact sure I'd get more work done if I was locked in place.
Thanks for posting your tips about your greenhouse in your Glog. Some of it like temps very helpful. My Twilight plant is still quite small--it was the last of the last germinated, but stubborn despite my neglect.

Pix coming soon (yea, right, said that before...:-}

Here's a lighting / shelving upgrade over by my only south-facing window using some bits from my portable greenhouse. Mostly some little 'maters there at the moment. Idea courtesy of BigCedar:

Another bank of T8 lights using my un-patented cheapest on earth light PVC light stand:

plants ready to go out and play


And into the little house on the prarie:

hoopin it up--about 160 in solos or thereabouts, with another 60 still needing pot-up. The solos will pot up very soon also. Whaaa.

some got pretty tall and lanky while I was away from town. Now being punished by the wind

Low and lean--I hope Patrick doesn't see how I'm treating his Brain Strain progeny--been in that little pot a couple of months... WindChicken Congo going strong, as is the freebie seeds Trini Scorp from Peppermania:

And the net result of all this: ONE pod--from Peppermania mystery seeds.
I'm thinking it is a Sheepnose Pimento, but not sure becuz its a mystery. Thing is going to be fantastic producer--which will be great as I got sick and tired of growing Bell peppers. Hopefully this sweetie will pick up the slack:
Ahhhhh... Now don't you feel better. I'm the biggest bitcher here about not having time so I can relate. It is always nice to spend some time taking pics or even looking for pests. That 15 or 20 minutes sometimes is all it takes to come back down from life drama.
Looks really great, Ken! Your green house looks nice full of plants!
Love the pictures and great looking greenhouse you got there! Beautiful cat also, looks a lot like ours. Luckily we don't have such big rodents over here :lol:
@ PrO, yea, the plants really reduce stress--NOT--when they are demanding pot up and their pix taken!

@ Kevin--yea, currently filling up every available space, and even had to do some kitchen overnight last night.

@ Meatfreak--thanks, the greenhouse is kind of ghetto, but very functional. The cat is gaining a lot of weight since I let it stay in the garage on cold nights. Gets himself a LOT of rodent meals on the side!

So I've been battling every possible temperature last week. Hit some record high 90F days followed by this:

I activated my el-cheapo greenhouse also and keep it heated at night. By day, have to really watch it for over-heating when sun comes out.


Some C. Annums digging it.

Bit of legginess going on here and there, but overall some strong plants.



I somehow managed to get 247 pepper plants with 57 varieties. Now tapping all my gardener friends with offers like: "You gotta try this Tobago Seasoning" or "Come on, you haven't lived until you've done a Trinidad Scorpion! Man Up!"

The season has been weird, but much closer to normal, with La Nina supposedly now kaput! Hoping to plant some stuff in the hoophouse next week and also get a bunch of 5-gal containers operational. It will be strange to actually consider planting out in mid-May here, which is actually normal. But I wonder what sly twist of weather Ma Nature has up her sleeve.... :cool:
Love the hoophouse you don't have to crawl inside of on your hands and knees... Maybe I'll upgrade next year. Nice shot of the mountains in the background too.