Silver Surfer pod sfrb

Word, I forgot to add my address, just sent it over. Outta curiosity, how much for a mfrb? I just got one but I always kinda drool over a full mfrb...
I was thinking about $30 for the mfrb, I may go a few dollars lower but couldn't too far as its $12.35 to ship just the box

Rebel, that's fine with me, I'm sure there's going to be alot left
Can you do a box with Scotch Bonnet TFM, sb7j, white 7 pot, Aji Pineapple, Bahamian Goat?
Got the box. Wonderful pods
Would you happen to know what these are?
Got my box today - really nice mix.  I had an Aji Pineapple and Cream Fatalii right away and took another pineapple with me to the football game as a snack.
Good stuff.  The Fatalii had almost no heat, just a touch in the placenta - not complaining at all as I found it to be delicious - but just surprising as I was expecting a lot.
Anxious to sample a Bahamian Goat tomorrow!
Thanks Vincent
The Pineapple is actually one of my favorites. I also like the cream Fatalii, I'm not sure about the story on it though. There's a Danish vendor that sells them as white Fatalii but looking at pictures they appear to be the exact same
This was a good box for me as all six types I'd not tasted before.  I'm growing Aji Lemon Drop and was interested in seeing how the Pineapple compared to it - I didn't notice a difference.  I'll have to taste them side by side.