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Silver Surfer's 2009 plantings

A closer ripe pod shot dripping dew with a stinky onlooker.

Closeup of a pair of stink bugs on this plant and they are numerous on my other plants as well.
Stink bugs do prey on other insects but will eat vegatation when the meat runs low.
So far I don't detect any plant damage caused by the little stinkers.

More to come later this evening when it cools off a bit.
I don't know where to start SS. Your peppers are what I fantasize my peppers being. They are fantastic!!! Way to grow!
Thanks guys.

Well, it didn't cool off enough and umm, I had a few too many.
Delayed update continued...

Here's another shot of the Black Pearl in the sun that better shows the transitional colors from balck to red. Wierd that a pod would change from black to a speckled green then red huh?

The late started Fish is still filling out and has a few pods.

Late Fatalii is growing pods too.

The late Rainbow has a lot of growing to do yet but has a few pods.

A pair of Datil plants grown from Pepermania seed and...

a shot of their pods.

The porch maters still produce but am fighting a lot of insects and hornworms.

It's been about 3 weeks now without rain and things are pretty dry and hot. :(
Had to install some soaker hoses in the garden.

Closeup of an okra bloom. :)

The Russian OP watermelons are sprawling everywhere and seem intent on conquering the world.
Nine ft. row spacing definitely wasn't enough for these space hogs.

They have set land mines in the squash row and...

claimed the corn as their territory.

That's it for now. Time to mow the grass again... nah, I'm headed indoors to sip some suds and shell some butter beans.
Amazing garden Silver Surfer. All your chili plants are loaded with pods for a killer harvest to come. Must be nice to have all that space to grow. Good work!
imaguitargod said:
A forest canopy of Datils! Nice!

Does two make a forest? Thought ya needed at least three or was that a crowd? :think:
Wait, maybe I do have three. :confused: :doh:
Thanks, now I have a headache. :P

Pepper Ridge Farm said:
Amazing garden Silver Surfer. All your chili plants are loaded with pods for a killer harvest to come. Must be nice to have all that space to grow. Good work!

Thanks PRF, greatly appreciated. I often think of selling off some of this space then come abruptly back to my senses. :-)
Man, everything looks great! Excellent macros. That melon looks to be a winner in the weed control sense. A natural method of regulating weeds. Sweet.
Nakana said:
Wow everything looks really great Surfer. I'm definitely in sever plant envy now

Thanks, the feeling is mutual. You have several plants that make me envious. :)

Diablo said:
Man, everything looks great! Excellent macros. That melon looks to be a winner in the weed control sense. A natural method of regulating weeds. Sweet.

Thanks, had to play with the camera a little to see just what it could do since AJ got that new toy. :lol:
First time growing that Russian variety (Melitopolski) and it does take over everything and shades out the weeds fairly well. The Blacktail Mountain melon at the head of the row is more conservative with space but is setting quite a few very sweet melons for its size.