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Silver Surfer's 2009 plantings

I'm still not settled on the name of this 2nd year Chinense...

but it is getting pretty thick with pod set. Still no ripe ones though.

The storm damaged Naga is ripening a few.

Porch maters are ripening if I can keep from frying the greenies.

The garden is starting to produce.

I picked 12 LBs of squash this morning and gave it away, fridge is full.

The okra cut this morning sure was tasty breaded and fried.

Watermellons are growing and will be ready in a few weeks.

Butter beans will need picking before long.

The corn is silkin and tosslin.

Cantaloupes have a few set and cukes need pickin daily.

A old pic taken of the tilled garden spot from my front screened window with a front yard visitor.

That's it for now; It's too dang hot to take pics. LOL
Awesome plants and garden. Looks like everything is going full bore. Very impressive pods on those Nagas.
When can I come visit? That corn looks about ready to go in a week or two. :D

And the pods. LOVE the poddage you go going there.
Black Pearl looks awesome. Great garden you have there, sure wished I could have a garden like that
Dialup is a drag; it took 20 minutes just to load this page and to top that off my phone service went on the blink last night right after making this post. :-(

huntsman said:
Wow! Nice work there, Surfer -

Looks like space is not a major issue?! :lol:

Thanks, space may not be an issue but keeping it mowed in this heat surely is. :-)

lavish said:
Beautiful pictures of heavenly garden :)

Thank you, but you're far too lavish with your pics complement. :)

patrick said:
Wonderful looking everything!! Man would I enjoy being your neighbor SS.

It would be nice having a fellow chili head as a neighbor, since there aren't any near to me.

bigt said:
Awesome plants and garden. Looks like everything is going full bore. Very impressive pods on those Nagas.

Thanks, got to get those plants supported before they yield to the weight.

caroltlw said:
When can I come visit? That corn looks about ready to go in a week or two.

And the pods. LOVE the poddage you go going there.

Visit anytime you're ready. :) Thanks for the flowers.
gorgeous plants surfer...I love the black pearl...may have to work a trade this fall if I have anything you want...

man...you are so lucky to have all that space...
Plants all look great and the wife and I'd love to have that much space to garden in. Love to be able to watch turkeys roamin in the yard too.
That black pearl is a really beautiful plant.
AlabamaJack said:
gorgeous plants surfer...I love the black pearl...may have to work a trade this fall if I have anything you want...

man...you are so lucky to have all that space...

Thanks AJ, I keep reminding myself of that while sitting atop the mower in this summer scorcher.

You're kidding right? With your huge selection of premium pods a trade is a done deal, but you can have the seeds regardless. :)

boutros said:
God, all those plants are beautiful! Best I've seen lately- hell of a grow man!

Thanks boutros, much appreciated.

Nakana said:
Plants all look great and the wife and I'd love to have that much space to garden in. Love to be able to watch turkeys roamin in the yard too.
That black pearl is a really beautiful plant.

The turkeys are cool to watch, it's the deer and the coons I have to watchout for. They can destroy a garden in a single night.
Thanks, I like the pearl too and this is my first year growing it.
Ripening pods insisted on their time in the limelight so I update on their behalf. ;-)

Fatalii 1 is starting to...

ripen some fruit.

Fatalii 2 has a...

fat ripe pod.

The 2nd year storm damaged Naga continues to ripen pods at a fast pace. Both it and...

this second year Red Hab were just picked two days ago and it's time to pick again.

The Black Pearl has more erect shiny red pods.

More shots of the very pod laden mystery plant.

Backside of the same plant.

A flower shot with some budz. This plant continues to add more pod weight.
