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Simple break down brine ?

I've tried to read the fermenting 101 thread but came away more confused.

What is a simple ratio salt to water ?

Is one Table spoon of salt per cup water good enough ? Do you add a bit of vinegar after the ferment is finished ? Is it OK to add spices in the beginning or should you wait till the end ?

Also why use a starter it will ferment without one correct ? If I use juice from sauerkraut how much juice for a pint of brine ?
Also it says boil the finished ferment but isn't that going to kill the bacteria you fermented for ?

I know these questions have been ask over and over thanks ahead of time.
ShowMeDaSauce said:
When using a ground mash its a good idea to go with a much higher percentage. That type of mash will mold more easily unless you can remove the oxygen. Chunks of peppers you can simply keep under a bring line. Mold aint gunna grow worth a damn on salt water. When you process the fermented pieces you dont have to use all your brine either. My cayenne ferment is on its 4th day in my E-Jen fermenter and it already has a sour smell. I used around 2% salt by pepper weight and made a brine to cover them. Caldwell and similar starter cultures make a huge difference in how fast they begin to sour. They are just stupid expensive. A bottle of probiotic juice is way cheaper and will do the same thing.
They do make a fermenter with a pump to remove the air inside the Mason. How well it actually works i dont know. Kits are around $25-$30 and you need some large mouth jars too.

I have these lids and pump.  The pump pulls a very good vacuum.  Once CO2 starts the vacuum is replaced with pressure.  We just made some kraut not long ago and the odor in the kitchen was,......well like fermenting kraut!  I have used air locks in the past and much prefer this system.
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Tybo said:
I have these lids and pump.  The pump pulls a very good vacuum.  Once CO2 starts the vacuum is replaced with pressure.  We just made some kraut not long ago and the odor in the kitchen was,......well like fermenting kraut!  I have used air locks in the past and much prefer this system.
I have used these going on 3 years now. I even have the XL lids for gallon jars. All I can say is that this system works GREAT! [emoji106]