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condiment simple fresh jolokia salsa

Hi everyone
I am by no means a cook ,but I do dabble in the kitchen from time to time. any way Im simple and like it that way so here it is short and sweet.

1 red ripe fresh DE seeded Jolokia pod
only use half if you dont like HOT!!!!
1 can Rotel green chili and tomatoes
1 can Rotel cylantro and lime juice
combine in a blender
hit it and quit it
now pour into a bowl and chill
for thicker salsa drain juice from Rotel can before putting it in a blender.
for thinner salsa leave liquid and blend longer...

its Delicious and HOT!!! :hell:

Its all the nasty placental tissue that messes you up with the nagas and bihs some of bb were entirely cream coloured inside Ifound they had between 9 and 12 seeds not that I was counting too hard lol.
Saying that pablo has done a test and he has experienced much larger seed yeilds and maybe ask Billy boy he's seen more naga pods than most but yes in my experience they don't have lots ans lots of seeds.
pablo said:
Hi everyone
I am by no means a cook ,but I do dabble in the kitchen from time to time. any way Im simple and like it that way so here it is short and sweet.

1 red ripe fresh DE seeded Jolokia pod
only use half if you dont like HOT!!!!
1 can Rotel green chili and tomatoes
1 can Rotel cylantro and lime juice
combine in a blender
hit it and quit it
now pour into a bowl and chill
for thicker salsa drain juice from Rotel can before putting it in a blender.
for thinner salsa leave liquid and blend longer...

its Delicious and HOT!!! :hell:

it appears my simple salsa recipe has turned into a seed debate...let me clarify

Remove the SEEDS...they worth more as a plant then they are in the toilet,ya think?

staffing said:
Bummer. I was hoping to get a better seed yield per pod than that....being my first year with naga's and all...


Alas...Mother Nature is what she is.
hi staffing
the nitrogen levels play a key role in seed production,it seems that two different schedules are required depending on whether your goal is seed production or pod production. not sure yet as to the correct amounts for small growing,
NMSU.CPI has excellent field data available on the website.
I will contact the cpi girl soon to see if they have a feeding schedule available for greenhouse seed crop production,if not then i have alot of work to do,formulations are not my strong suit.
Try to keep nitrogen low dureing bloom,and dont water too much.they like the dryer soil.
hydro,im still trying to learn,since im new at this indoor chili growing stuff.
the Bhut Jolokia plant I have now produced the following...

#1. 13
#2. 28
#3. 33
#4. 31
#5. 34
#6. 42
#7. 51
#8. 71
ttl 303
another thing to note is the amount and order of the seed pods
{higher amounts of seed increased higher on the plant}
as nitrogen levels decreased as plant used it dureing season...
good luck

I'd have to agree.

Personally, I really dont like crunching on seeds so I usually take them out of peppers and save them, leaving the rest. Also, having bad teeth (massive antibiotics when very young killed my enamel) they pose a real menace to me being both flat and small.

Unless I'm mistaken, the heat is concentrated in the plancenta/membranes and other white parts, not the seeds anyways.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Capsaicin said:
Capsaicin is present in large quantities in the placental tissue (which holds the seeds), the internal membranes and, to a lesser extent, the other fleshy parts of the fruits of plants in the genus Capsicum. Contrary to popular belief, the seeds themselves do not produce any capsaicin, although the highest concentration of capsaicin can be found in the white pith around the seeds.

I will be defenitly taking the seeds outa my dried Morrich/Fatali/Savina pods I got before trying them. Heck, I need the seed more than the neglible difference they might make in the heat level. ;)
