• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SineNomine 2021

Hi all!

Although I'm pretty old around here, this will be the first Glog.

I have been growing peppers on the balcony since 2014. Last year I switched everything to hydroponics and I am very happy with it.

Here is the growing list:

Hanging pots:
- Fatalii 6
- Fatalii Red 2
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Papa Joe's SB 3
- Scotch Bonnet MOA 3
- Black River SB 1

Floor pots:
- Pimiento de la Puta la Madre 3
- Lemon Drop 2
- Chile Rayado 4
- Jalapeño M 4
- NuMex Vaquero 4
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Tepin x Lemon Drop 3
- "Aji Cito" (Panama) 1



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A short presentation of my system.
Bottom of the pots:


I put ceramic balls on the bottom so as not to clog the leak.

The suspended pots drain into a collection pipe that flows directly into the tank.


The bottom pots drain into a collection pipe that flows into a basin under the tank.
In the basin is a pump controlled by level sensors that raises the water in the tank.



The tank has 150 l. In it I have an air pump and a water pump that circulates water continuously.

Control panel. An improvisation made last year. Like any improvisation that works, it remains permanent. :)
Suspended pots:
OW Black River SB with yellow peppers.

Two Scotch Bonnet MOA from the seeds of Semillas.


One Scotch Bonnet MOA from my 2019 seeds, original from Refining Fire Chillis seeds.
It already has big peppers.


Also one Papa Joe's SB from seeds from me, also original from Refining Fire Chiles.

2 Papa Joe's from the seeds of Semillas. They haven't set the pods yet.


Devil's Tongue

Fatalii Red with lots of flowers.

Another Fatalii Red

Six Fatalii






Two pods can be seen on it.
Your irrigation system is trick, SN! Nice work.
I love the colorful grow you have going. It must
be awesome tipping back a beer and sitting
on that outstanding  balcony with your babies! 
Keep it up, brother!
Thank you!
It's very relaxing to sit in my little garden.
Dieter, there are no big storms in the area. The orientation of the balcony is to the southeast. Very good in terms of light. The wind almost always blows from the north and northeast. I haven't had any problems for 6 years since I have hanging pots.
Yes, Paul. I'm lucky about that.
Future plans include buying land for the house. I hope it happens.
The weather has stabilized here. Plants that stayed outside for a week had night temperatures of 5 ° C (41 ° F), but did well.
C.Chinense planted on Saturday also handles well. From now on, I don't worry about the weather.
Really nice Viv.  I find your set up very interesting.  Cant wait to get my dutch bucket grow started.  We just went through a cold snap but starting today the weather is supposed to turn around and warm up significantly.  
I have several plants that look like your devil's tongue.  And many more that look a lot worse!  Im holding on to them in hopes they will improve.  Also, those NuMex Vaquero plants look good with the peppers on them!  I started out with 2 seedlings and lost one of them.  Hopefully the remaining one makes it.  It will be my only jalapeño this year.  
Looking forward to watching your grow progress.
Thank you all!
Tybo, Devil's Tongue seems to be starting to recover. Many flower buds appeared. We'll see what happens next ...
Good luck with your dutch buckets! For me, this system really works.
Siv, we don't have strong winds here. Even if the wind blows, the pots sway nicely without affecting the plants.
When the plants grow, I will tie them with string to the top chain.
Regarding the size of the plants, I usually manage without pruning them, they tend to lean outside looking for light. If they grow very large, I cut them.
Inoks, I always wonder how peppers can be grown in your area. I appreciate the patience and determination with which you do this.