• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SineNomine 2021

Hi all!

Although I'm pretty old around here, this will be the first Glog.

I have been growing peppers on the balcony since 2014. Last year I switched everything to hydroponics and I am very happy with it.

Here is the growing list:

Hanging pots:
- Fatalii 6
- Fatalii Red 2
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Papa Joe's SB 3
- Scotch Bonnet MOA 3
- Black River SB 1

Floor pots:
- Pimiento de la Puta la Madre 3
- Lemon Drop 2
- Chile Rayado 4
- Jalapeño M 4
- NuMex Vaquero 4
- Yellow Devil's Tongue 1
- Tepin x Lemon Drop 3
- "Aji Cito" (Panama) 1



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Your grow is really booming! The plants look
robust and ready to bust out! Keep up the good work.
Did you have to cut the tips off all those nipples on
the 'air pots'? I notice not all of them are open. I
thought maybe you figured out how to print them
with the holes.
Also, can you explain a little about your irrigation
system? Sorry to trouble you, but it is such a neat
and tidy operation  :clap:
There's no problem, Paul.
I had air pots until I switched to hydroponics. Last year I made other pots without giving them holes. Perlite leaves room for plenty of air and no side holes are needed.
Hole pots are just additions from the air pot series.
They are made by thermoforming. The holes are made with a drill.

Irrigation is through a recirculation system. The nutrient solution is pumped from a barrel and the surplus is collected and returned to the barrel.
Nothing like a house full of company!
You are using straight perlite in your
buckets, correct?