• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Siv's second time lucky? 2020 Glog

And so it begins:

From left to right:
  1. Growdown Fatalii - Seed Savers Exchange
  2. Kang Starr Lemon Starburst - Pepper Donkey [new for 2020]
  3. Bahamian Goat - Pepper Donkey
  4. Sugar Rush Peach - Pepper Donkey
  5. Dorset Naga - Pepper Donkey [new for 2020]
  6. Piri Piri - All Good Things [new for 2020]
  7. Peppadew - THP seed train (I think) [new for 2020]
  8. Turbo Pube - fataliiseeds.net [new for 2020]
  9. Datil - THP Seed Train
  10. White Ghost - Pepper Donkey
  11. Purple Thunder - PaulG [new for 2020]
  12. Leviathan Gnarly Scorpion - WHP (I think) [new for 2020]
  13. Solid Gold But - saiias [new for 2020]
All the seeds look pretty good other than the piri piri which seem small and darker than expected. We'll see how it does. Overall, I think I have a good mix of heat and colour. Maybe I need to add something yellow as the growdown fatalii looks orange.
I'll put together another tray next weekend. Last year was easy as I had limited seeds, this year has been near impossible to choose what to grow as I have so many seeds thanks to the kindness of PaulG and the THP seed train.
I'm debating if I should do an Aji this year. Last year I got a ton of Aji Limo so perhaps I should try crystal, mango or pineapple - any recommendations?
Really impressive grow, Siv! You have a ton
of stuff going on, especially with the hydro
systems you have in place. 
Mr.joe said:
Everything is looking great except that fatali plant is almost certainly diseased. I recommend pulling the fatali and starting a new one in 6 months.
Could this be an attempt to whittle down the
number of grow down contestants   :rofl:
Thanks for all the kind words and encouragement - it certainly helps motivate me to keep plugging away! 
So first problem is that one of my Aji plants has some discolouration on some of the leaves. It looks like fungus but I really have no experience here so I've plucked them off and sprayed this plant and the adjacent ones with fungicide. Hopefully that does the trick - it was only in a couple of places and most of the new growth looks fine. I'll keep an eye on it.

Second is that I bought the goodies to make another float valve controlled master bucket. The problem with the original one is that the hole in the valve is so small it sometimes gets clogged so I have to keep an eye on it and flush occasionally. My plan was to replace this with a toilet float setup which I would expect to be more robust. So I bought the valve and connection yesterday.

I fit this to a bucket and checked for leaks and it seems to be working fine.

The bottom of the assembly sticks out a bit so I took another bucket and cut the bottom out to lift it up and provide clearance for the inlet hose.

Now to the problem. I tested it with the hose pipe and it fills and stops just as it should. I put a tee on my nute reservoir outflow and plugged it in. I think these are used to high pressure water flow so there was barely a trickle coming into the bucket but it seemed good though the flow was barely noticeable. Since it's just using gravity to fill, I'm not surprised that the flow is so low. I let it fill and it seemed fine so I went to bed. Then this morning I woke up to fine everything wet and the bucket overflowing. The float was up so it should have cut off the nute flow but it didn't. I have no idea why this isn't working! I tried again with the hose and it worked fine so I'm at a bit of a loss. I'm going to have to experiment more until this is working...
This new bucket is the reservoir or the bucket your plant is planted into?I probably need tho read back thru your glog and re learn how your system works. Slow flow would be fine I'm sure it will pump faster than the plants can drink, you just gotta figure out why it keeps going. Overall your setup looks great.
Mr.joe, the bucket is the "master" which controls the level in all the other buckets. It's fed from the nute reservoir and the float valve maintains a constant level in the master. The other 23 buckets are fed directly from the master so will all keep the same level as the master.
Hydro Float.jpg

SB, the float I'm currently using is this one: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0077RAP1I/
The one you have linked seems more robust - I'll take a look.
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Ok makes much more sense now thanks. I didn't realize a master bucket was in the system and that bucket looked way too small for reservoir and I couldn't imagine a plant going into that bucket.
This morning I dragged my son out before it got too hot and we made a tent:



Thanks to DW for the advice. I'll be interested to find out:
1, if it survives the wind
2, what impact it'll have on the plants that are shaded
3, if I have to build a supporting post in the middle or something
Looks good, my shade cloth is supported by bungee cords hooked on the garden fence. High winds are not uncommon at my house the shade cloth is holding up pretty well so far, on second season now. I think the bungee cords help to absorb the winds. Like Paul said, that's a lotta lawn I'm guessing you live on a golf course?
I used to live on a golf course and we loved that the neighbours were so far away. So when we were looking for another house, the one constraint we gave the realtor is that we didn't want to be close to other houses. So she found us this place sat on 5 acres. Since we're out in the country (unincorporated as they like to say here) we were able to get a bunch of land for not much money. So all that grass is mine and after taxes, my largest single household expense is the lawn service.
So 2 weeks and time for an update. It still astonished me how fast these damn things grow in hydro so I've done a comparison from the last set of pics.
White Ghost and Dorset Naga

Fatalii (growdown seed), Piri piri and Datil

Purple Thunder (from Paul), KSLSB & Bahamian Goat

Paul, there's magic in your plant!

White Ghost, Aji Amarillo (from Harry D) and SRP. What's interesting is that the SRP hasn't grown as much as the others but it's covered in pods. Harry, your plant got so tall he had to be tied up!

LGS (from the seed train), Aji Cristal & Peppa Dew 

That flower on the Peppa Dew has now become a pod!

Orange Ribbon, Solid Gold & White Ghost

SRP, Peppa Dew and LGS

Can't wait for this to turn peach!

The Turbo Pube under the avocado tree seems happy 
What a grow! Can’t wait for next season and maybe do half of what u got going. Humidity must be crazy there plus the heat. Had plants in Waco for a bit and my plants never seemed to need water it was so humid.