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review Skobiyan review

Good review! I'm planning on getting some of that when I order seeds soon. Let us know what you think about the Turkey Slap too.
Good review man! I liked when you leaned forward about a foot or two to show the camera the consistency....and the camera was like 20 feet away! lol Good stuff man!
Thanks Musky, going to try to get the Turkey Slap up soon

Yeah Hot Pooper I had to laugh when I saw that myself! I guess I am not exactly mister tech savy, next time I will try to get the camera a little closer and higher, but at least I remembered to hit record that time, I like watching your reviews, you really run through a lot of stuff!

Hi Chad,

I watched your review yesterday and was quite impressed with your presentation.

You were calm, deliberate and articulate in presenting your review, and kept an even pace with no dead spots in speech.

You might have a good future as a reviewer of hot sauces.

And because of your review, I am now tempted to order a case or two of some of Neil's hot sauces.

And by the way, how was your stomach feeling later after eating two spoonfuls of Neil's hot sauce?

Thanks DVG I appreciate that! My stomach was really pretty good, after the first go round I realized I didnt eat anything that morning, I knew I had a spoonfull of sauce in me but nothing was urgent shall we say, I did make a point to grab some pancakes though before going back at it. I waited for what I thought might be a looming fire bomb but the fuse never lit so everything was OK, unlike some extract sauces I have had. I wouldnt be afraid to do that with Skobiyan again. I do make a point to consume at least one hot pepper of serving of sauce a day though so it is possible my system is just accustomed to things.

Thanks again!
