• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKERS 2019 Container and Kratky GLOG

I am starting an indoor grow experiment so I might as well start the new years glog at the same time. Today I threw 3 seeds in the dirt(hoping for 66% germination). I will keep 1 in dirt and 1 in Kratky. These will stay in my grow room under my 8000K T8 shoplights from the beginning through fruit.

skullbiker said:
I have no patience, 10 days to first hook, 13 days to the third hook. All done with high tech equipment:
Black Gold seed starting mix in an Arbys Loaded Curly Fries Bowl, and for heat it was sitting over the ballast on the shoplight that I have over my microgreens! And so it begins.
Go with what works, brother!
Nothing succeeds like success!
In the 2017 season I grew 2 different pubescens varieties. They both germinated within the same time period as the baccatums I also grew that season...
Good work. 3 for 3. So what’s going to happen to the small fella? Is he getting the chop or the subject of a further experiment?

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heefy said:
Good work. 3 for 3. So what’s going to happen to the small fella? Is he getting the chop or the subject of a further experiment?
Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Small guy will be the subject of experimentation for sure. Maybe the kind that makes people shake their heads and roll their eyes.[emoji3064][emoji102]
I have started the process to make up some FSST(Fermented Seed Sprout Tea) for plant food after being thrown down that rabbit hole by Mr. West. I will use my wheat seed because I have that(barley seed is highly recomended).
First the soak for 24 hours.


After the soak, drain and let jar lay at a slight angle to drain for 12 hours, rinse and drain every 12 hours until seeds have roots/sprouts 1/4 to 1/2 inch long. You should end up with this.


Then weigh it up and add 1/3 of the weight in sugar(there was no mention of type so i used Turbinado as it is a raw sugar).



Throw it all in a blender with non-chlorinated water(I used Zero water) and some ferment starter( I used some from Cutting Edge Cultures).



Blend it up good and put in a jar with an air lock or fermenter lid of your choice. They say it will be ready to use in 3 to 6 weeks. After I was pretty well done, I read 58 grams of dry seed will make 5 gallons of tea. I guess I will have enough for 25 to 40 gallons!


Now to sit back and wait.
That is super cool. Very interesting technique, combining the two processes of sprouting and fermenting. Thanks for doing this. Hope the stuff works wonders.
Now, back to the rocoto seedlings, they look good so it must be time to screw around with them. Here they are, ready to be plucked from their original home. Two will become floaters(and they may turn out like what you are thinking if things go badly), and one will remain in the dirt. The way it looks now they may all be little experiments.

Let us begin.


The two floaters in different solutions.



I had to wait overnight to do the one in potting soil as my potting soil was in the garage frozen hard as a rock. Anyways, here it is in a 4 inch pot.


And, like everything else, just wait to see what happens.
Watching to see what happens with those!
Wondering about the effect of roots totally
submerged?  :think: Most interesting.
PaulG said:
Watching to see what happens with those!
Wondering about the effect of roots totally
submerged?  :think: Most interesting.
Totally submerged roots are fine. Been doing that for about 5 years now. I had shown it in my last years Glog.
Went back and checked out your last year's grow log.
You have it worked out nice, Ted. Now your experiment
makes sense to me! Good luck going forward!
I planted 4 more varieties of Rocotos. They are in starter cells with a new(to me) seed starting soil. Fingers crossed! They are Rocoto Riesen Yellow, Rocoto Montufar PL585273, Rocoto Guatamala Orange, & Rocoto Rio Haullago. 3 seeds of each sown, hoping for at least 2 of each to germinate. Super interested in the Montufar PL585273 because of flavor profile.
That's a nice selection of rocotos SB.  Haven't grown/tried the Motufar before, but it sure looks like it could be a winner.  Will be curious to hear your opinion of it. 
Good luck with this next round!
7 day update on the 3 Orange Rocotos. It is already clear what makes them grow fast. I will let the poor growing one in hydroponic solution go another week and if it still looks tough I will switch to a different mix. As far as the one in soil, I have had them start slow and then take off so we will see.


