• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SKULLBIKER'S "Whats old is new for 22 glog"

I've put this off long enough and now it's time to start "gloging".
On January 1,2022 I picked the Brainstrains again.


1423 grams this time.


And that means two more 1 1/2 pint jars for the freezer.


And they're still alive and producing.


That pepper with the purple flowers
looks a lot like a Tasmanian Black.
Those turn red when ripe.
A little more on the heavy banded PeppaPeach pods. These grew from seeds of last years striped ones. I took these two today.


I cut them up for a better look.
I did save the seeds.




I had a few bad visitors in the garden lately but today I saw three good ones. On a White Habanero plant.


On an Albanian Red Hot Plant.


And on a Rocoto plant.

These Peppa Peach stripey look really good Biker👌👍
A little more on the heavy banded PeppaPeach pods. These grew from seeds of last years striped ones. I took these two today.


I cut them up for a better look.
I did save the seeds.



Very neat, thanks for sharing more examples!

I had one Sugar Rush Stripey plant that I didn't get anything ripe on until way into the cold part of the season, the few pods that ripened showed similar wide banding. I've managed to overwinter it ok I think as it's showing some signs of life.

I also used it as a parent on a different yellow line in my #stripeystarfish. I have small F1 plant for it in a hydro can just starting to flower and I'll be intrigued to see if the wider stripe traits make it through.
Those ARH peppers are awesome specimens, indeed.
Be interesting to see how much they weigh when ripe.
The Brainstrains are making their comeback, I'm going to have to pick some pods off in the next day or two.



A 7 Pot Bubblegum putting out some pods.


The pods on that 7 Pot Bubblegum all have a cupped calyx. Has anyone else experienced this habit?


A Borg 9 with lots of flowers and buds.

I may already have asked this, but I tend to quickly forget things... my brain is aging... 😊 how old are those brainstrains?

They’re just shy of a year and a half. It’s been a pretty good run for them surviving aphids early on and then got chewed back by hornworms and then that light frost this winter. They’re survivors alright. I even have that third runty one on a comeback after repotting into a larger container.