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Slosh's Bar & Grill - A Quick Update on what is going on!

Greetings all ...
I was hoping that I would have good news to give people or that this would be sorted out so quickly I didn't need to let everybody know what was going on ...
OK ... here goes ... this isn't the best news of all time by the way ...
On the 24th of December I got an email from YouTube stating this ... 
"We'd like to inform you that due to repeated or severe violations of our Community Guidelines (http://www.youtube.com/t/community_guidelines) your YouTube account sloshworks has been suspended."
Now ... as I do not break any of these guidelines ever ... as I know full well the repurcussions of this ... and this hobby of mine is the most fun thing I do ... why would I risk that ... I filled in the form asking for what reason that this had happened ....
The response I got was this 
"This account was found in Violation of TOU #4 Section H:

"You agree not to use or launch any automated system, including without limitation, "robots," "spiders," or "offline readers," that accesses the Service in a manner that sends more request messages to the YouTube servers in a given period of time than a human can reasonably produce in the same period by using a conventional on-line web browser"

Now guys ... I do not run view-bots ... why would I risk what I love for something so stupid ... so I have appealed this ... and I can't do anything but wait ... 
It appears somebody has put a view-bot on me and got my channel suspended ...
Having this channel taken away from me has gutted me ... one and a half years of work ... 640+ videos ... so much of my time ... and I would never have risked that for something so stupid ..
So ... I hope to have good news soon ... I really do ...
I will keep you guys up to date as soon as (IF) I hear anything
Thanks for all the support ...
Merry Christmas ...
Damn dude that sucks. Hope your appeal goes through and everything gets worked out and in a timely manner. Really enjoy your reviews and the sauce advent calendar was a great idea.
Hope you can resolve this to your satisfaction... and i hope to watch more of your reviews, when/if you do.

You and your friends all convey an air of fun to your shows, but there's no denying all the work you've put into this. I will hope for the best.
Let them know it was not you and ask them if the malicious views were directly on YT or from an embedded player. If from an embedded player, ask them what domain it was hosted on. Also ask them for IPs.
They will most likely give you some information, but not IPs, but the fact that you ask helps show you are not the violator and are trying to track them down.
Don't cuss or rant. Ask for as much information as possible. They have a forensic department that should be able to rule you out based on your previous behavior. A lot of times when proxies are used, they will go by your previous behavior so if the account is in good standing, you've had it a long time, and they track the behavior to India, you will likely get a warning "in case" it is you because they have no real idea if it is or not (people hire services for views, etc.).
Good luck!