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I have a major snail problem right now!!! They got leaves on my huge orange rocoto a few days ago. This morning half of my Aji Lucento seedlings had their tops eaten off. It was one baby snail that got into the snailproof fishtank on my back porch that they were trying to grow in.

So has anyone here used Sluggo slug and snail killer on their plants. It's supposed to be safe for anything, but I've never used it in my pot's full of chili peppers. I have to do something cuz I'm tired of staying up all night hunting for them.

It is fun though, when I do find them, because me and the daughter do batting practice with them!!!!
Here's one way to do it...

Bury a shot glass or two up to the rim in the soil, put in a little Beer and they will come...

The Hoppyer the Beer the better...
You can use copper wire around your tables/trays or use some diatomaceous earth or eggshells, or you can buy slug-bait(make sure it's pet safe), or make beer traps
So tonight's the night for the Sluggo test. It's a warm rain we have tonight and the snails are attacking from all fronts. They're trying to get into everything growing. My arm got tired of throwing them all against the fence. Not to mention my fence is a mess now. And it's raining to hard. I moved all the peppers to the over hang and then realized they're coming from everywhere... I can here there drums now..... One last wo.........................
man, I've got some bought peppers on my porch where it seemed to be slug heaven, i did the egg shell thing...cracked enough eggs for 8 people to eat omelets that night, and covered my soil, the 1st day after my plants were out, I checked them before work.....slug trails all over the pots and ground.....plants are A.O.K.!!! and they've been out for over 2 weeks now I'm sure and haven't had a single issue.....of course I also decided a week in to make a "mini greenhouse" per pot with chicken wire and plastic food wrap, but it all helps....if you want to sluggo go for it, but they egg shells really really worked just take a bunch in your hand and crumple them hard to itty bitty pieces and rub them between both of your hands letting them slowly fall out all around the plants...completley cover every inch of ground at least in a 4 in diamter of the base
The eggshells will slice open their soft underbellies leaving them to dehydrate. A slow and painful demise that they well deserve.

I use a product from www.gardensalive.com called escar-go. Its main ingredient is iron sulfate which causes them to stop feeding and starve to death. Its toxic to slugs and snails but not to us or our pets.
The Sluggo seems to working, but I'll try the egg shells on the new ones I pot next week. I like that idea of "a slow painful demise".
I use egg shells and almost never have a problem.

Edit for: hard boiled egg shells. and don't throw out the egg water after you're done cooking them. cool it off and use it for watering. I've read that the traces of calcium leached from the shell during cooking will help the soil.

re:edit for: deviled eggs with a slice of lightly fried habanero pepper stuck in the yolk stuff for garnish is pretty and tasty and is good incentive to boil moar eggs.
A trick with eggshells and diatomaceous earth is to add icing sugar so the slugs or other pests (like aphids and ants) will eat it and rip their guts apart:)
A trick with eggshells and diatomaceous earth is to add icing sugar so the slugs or other pests (like aphids and ants) will eat it and rip their guts apart:)

Do you mix the sugar in or just leave it on top?
I know I must kill them, but they're so neat looking! I took this 2 days ago. Then I killed it!
Thanks for the tips. I too have been "hunting" with my 3 year old every night. My fence is full of snail marks. I'll try eggs tonight.
I saw an episode of "The F Word" where he took his little kids out to catch the snails in his back yard. Then he cooked them up an they all ate them. And they looked really good! Yea, why waste them.