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Smart pot Vs. Air pot Vs. Cheap azz pot...

Ok I started a thread of regular pot Vs. Smart pot. I had mentioned that I also wanted to try an air pot too, but was too much with shippin. Well I stopped by the new hydro store, 1/2 mile from me and was goin to pic up a couple more smart pots. Well after talkin to the guy askin if he had any 2 gallons he said lets look in back,, and low and behold are some nice size airpots... I ask how much and he says there usually 4 bucks apiece, but since ya wanna try um 3.50... score!!!


The test is 3 Choco habs, well really 4 since one is in the ground already. They seem well made, alot thicker than the plastic nursery pots... but time will tell.

On a side note, the 2 from the smart pot Vs. the pot, the smart pot is inchin ahead. I did pic 2 leaves off since they wern't lookin too goot.


If anyone is intrested in these, I got them... http://www.tropicalhydro.net/ They don't really have much of a site to order, but give um a call, I live just around the Altamonte store, but I'm sure the others have um too. You can get both the smart pot there as well as the airpot. Not sure what shipping is but...

I will keep this thread updated so maybe it might help some people to try something different next year.
I always wondered about those pots, i'll will be keeping tabs on this one as well. For the experiments I did this year I have favorable results, but even BETTER results by simply increasing the overall pot size.

Example I have 5 individual habs in their own 5 gallon containers and then I put 2 plants in a shared large 30 gallon square container. The 2 plants in the large container produced more pods then the other 5 plants COMBINED. The reason I put 5 in their individual containers is because I didn't have room for another large container so had to use small pots. Seems like container size made a huge difference because the seeds, soil, and fertilizing were all the same.
Well If they do what they claim, instead of buying enough soil for a 5 gallon bucket, I'm hoping to use half or so... I did go back and get 5 more airpots, I moved some others in them, one is a peach habolukia I hope to get to pod this season, so I can taste one. Were over the summer hunp here, so everything is starting to take off, the heat and humidity brought them to a crawl, and all kinds of nasty spotty, dropping leaves, but no more.

Anyway heres a pic of the three again, there growing good, but for some reason, aphids like my pots for some reason, so some of the leaves look poor, but the air pot has more new growth than the others underneath.


So far so good, I plan on over wintering 5 different ones this year, but that's only for a month or so.
Not very long, they only predict frost here like 10 days a year average. So not long. but one really cool thing I thought of is, The guy at the new hydro store is a pepper freak too. they just opened and he said he will take whatever I have... So I bought him a couple of hot peppers. He said he want's to take cuttings, so I will bring him some of mine, let him grow them in the hydro shop over the winter since he has everything at his disposal. If I'm lucky I can have him get me some 3 foot transplants in March... Can't wait for next year.
It's been raining all day for the last couple days... The air pot is defiantly growing faster, the secondary growth is more in the air pot than the normal, and even the smart pot has more new secondary growth. It all the rain here that gets me, they get soggy, and never get a break sometimes. So maybe with better air flow and drainage, they will be winners in my book.
Not very long, they only predict frost here like 10 days a year average. So not long. but one really cool thing I thought of is, The guy at the new hydro store is a pepper freak too. they just opened and he said he will take whatever I have... So I bought him a couple of hot peppers. He said he want's to take cuttings, so I will bring him some of mine, let him grow them in the hydro shop over the winter since he has everything at his disposal. If I'm lucky I can have him get me some 3 foot transplants in March... Can't wait for next year.

My local hydro store, the fellows also liked peppers. I sold them a few trays of peppers for their little nursury. Made a few $ in the process.
Well today was the day, it seems like it grew over night...

On a side note, I had it's brother who has been in the sun, I put under the new light, and it's shriveled when I got home. I guess this light puts out more than I thought...
I wonder if it's gonna be a little more difficult getting plant out of the air pot when you want to go to a bigger one. :think:
good question! you would think with all the little nipples on the inside that it would create drag as you pull out the plant.i am interested to see just how well it performs!