TB - Totz.....and didn't you say supmthin' earlier about Queso this weekend?????? = Friday Night WIN!!!!!!!
Hey Megs - you ever know any Bremelos????
Hmm.... Just actually read this entire page for the first time. Interesting. My first thought was that I'm glad I'm not Catholic and/or whatever celebrates "St. Urho" or "St. Patrick". Heck, I never even heard of Urho. But I also wonder how many people here know that Patrick wasn't Irish at all, but an enslaved Roman. Hmm...... Whatever. Hope you guys enjoyed your festivities!
Ok - Just read Wikipedia on Urho. That 'splains everyting - people living in the frozen tundra gotta make up stuff to keep from getting so bored they shoot themselves. Nice. I'm from Texas, which also explains why I hadn't heard of Urho before. We have funner things, like jackalopes. . . .![]()