He was doin' the Beer-Scootin' Boogie there for awhile!!!!!!
I wish someone would put music to that!!!!!!!!!
Teh party last night was unthrilling. No drunken tomfoolishnessess or some such. The food (we both had the prime rib) was awful. Aujus from a can, cold food, meat could have been a large dog. Horseradish was a sour cream that might have had a pin drop of actual horseradish in it. I loathe these company parties. Boooooorrinng! I did get a bottle 'o Baileys out of teh deal and as mrs. blues didn't feel my attire matched, she's threatened to have me go a buy a new pair of black shitkicker boots. Helloooooo Tony Lama!
Mebbe I am still drunk or maybe someone did some drunk editing, but the only post of TB's I see is the quote from THP. What happened to the original?
Oh it was Dec.5 nevermind.
He needs a new thread called "Ambien Occasionally".