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Smasehd for life

JayT said:
Get back on that horse PF! You can dooooo it!

I've gota a beer in hand ;) 2 nights in a row..............................................................................................You all better watch out.....................................................................................may have to wreck some havoc tonight. :D
Hmm. lots 'o Newcastle Ale, Natty, and a 24oz Sam Adams Octoberfest I'm saving for Samhain...


Nah to hell with the cuffs. Get drunk and break out the taser! I'm already there. (rainday) Just made the Mrs her birthday dinner and now I am getting ready to settle in for some THP and NBA.
QuadShotz said:
WHaT!? no "blowing out her candles"??

Surely, there is a can of frosting that's unused somewhere here...


Nah, I made her smothered pork chops with mashed potatoes and that's better than sex to her. Besides we went out the other night and did all the kid stuff (rare occasion).
I have a cloudy head from last night, can't remember going to bed or waking up! yup, moonshine will do that to ya.
My hands are still tainted with the heat from all the peppers I handled last night without gloves in my less-than-sober state...

Ever rubbed your eyes in your sleep after handling bhut jolokia and habaneros? Holy crap....