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Smasehd for life

I'm going out to celebrate soon. Sold 100 cases of planters to a supermarket chain. Made the boss real happy.
Hey! I said I was going to celebrate at the bar on the boss' dime didn't I? It will make for good Smaeshd conversation later. And Salsalady planters as in pots for putting plants in. A part time job I have in my off time from masonry work.

Waiting for my chilli beer to cool in the freezer, it's still a little (read ALOT) green but im gunna try it out anywayz...
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Drinking crap ass beeeer.

Brooklyn Pennant ale... bleh! I like BK beer but not this one.
I know... it's a mobile home park, let's be PC here :rofl:
thehotpepper.com said:
I know... it's a mobile home park, let's be PC here :rofl:


Hot DAMN I'm happy!!

Sold the EX's engagement ring tonight!!!


Made a pretty healthy profit.......let's just say that I got more than I paid....and less than it cost me!

Woot! Switched to my last Smuttynose IPA...... enough of that ass beer.
paulky_2000 said:

Hot DAMN I'm happy!!

Sold the EX's engagement ring tonight!!!


Made a pretty healthy profit.......let's just say that I got more than I paid....and less than it cost me!


did the EX know there was a ring?