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Smasehd for life

NJA speaks a different language than I do...the poetic style of his prose is quite fascinating Captain...

and I don't guess Alice has risen yet...
Naga Jolokia Addict said:
Unless you down a stiff 2 finger peg, you won't be able to think straight.
So first do that and then look for Paul.:P

NJA, I thought you don't drink but you encourage others to do so

I figured out your plan.

Get everyone SOOOOOOO

smashed that they cannot get on to
post for awhile. Then take over the board.


Evil genius.
AlabamaJack said:
:raise hand:

its Bloody Mary time...think I will join you and we can have a toast....

That sounds wonderful...I believe I'll join you!

pileiton said:

I barely remember the movie but I got a kick out of Always Look On The Bright Side Of Life.

Monty Python rocks!

mel said:

damn.. i'm just post whoring now to get me closer to 1000!

You GO, Mel!!! :woohoo:
why on earth are you awake??!! even on work days.. if i look at the clock n its that time i hit the snoooze button!
what kind of criminal school makes kids start so early!! surely you could have fit in another half hour of snoozing!! lol..
mel said:
what kind of criminal school makes kids start so early!! surely you could have fit in another half hour of snoozing!! lol..

We live out in the middle of nowhere so it takes about an hour to get to school with all the stops the bus has to make.

They hate it. :lol:
hmmm... beer battered omelettes.. that sounds like a plan!!

I bet the kids arent the only ones who hate the early starts for school!! you got your tv yet????
mel said:
hmmm... beer battered omelettes.. that sounds like a plan!!

I bet the kids arent the only ones who hate the early starts for school!! you got your tv yet????

Yeah...it sucks getting up this early....but it used to be worse...if you can believe that. Before they switched busses, they were getting up a 5AM instead of 6!! Their bus ride was 1 hour, 45 minutes ONE WAY!! Oof.

YES I DID!! I got a 55" Hitachi LCD from Sam's Club. It's a factory refurbish and I STOLE it for the price!! :woohoo:
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! well done on the TV!! whens it get delivered??

as for the 5am starts for the bus.. ouch!! at least you are dedicated though and get up for em :)
mel said:
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!! well done on the TV!! whens it get delivered??

as for the 5am starts for the bus.. ouch!! at least you are dedicated though and get up for em :)

I picked it up yesterday!
Wanna see?

Thanks for the compliment...I think I'm a pretty good Dad...;)