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smoke infused hot sauce?

has anyone heard of "the smoking gun"? i first saw it on an episode of bar rescue and it seems to be a handy/clever contraption. its about a hundred bucks.. i was thinking about getting one to add true smokey flavor (i dont like liquid smoke) to hot sauces- it seems that all you would need to do is put some smoke in the jar with the hot sauce and give it a good shake- sounds feasable, any thoughts on this?
I'd never heard of the gizmo till you posted it.  Now after reading up I think the little thing might have some applications - but at $100 you're halfway to a respectable smoker!  You could smoke your fresh pods and then make sauce with em (or dehydrate and make smoked powders) and still have the smoker to make all manner of other delicious things with. 
I have a Bradley Smoker like this.


Pro's and Con's to it are, pro I can crank it down to under 100 degrees F and smoke with it, con is I have to order special wood pucks to smoke with which aren't available locally. Well, I haven't been able to find them anyways. I can order them in eBay though or directly from the company. It does a great job and there are some really good woods and blends of woods available. I also have a coue of metal pucks that push the last woods one out to the burner plate so I don't have any half burned ones left.

Smoke the pods.
Little Chief is cheap, and you can load it up with many pounds of pods.
Remove the trays and use wooden skewers instead.
Smoke a couple hours (about a panfull of chips) rotate the bottom layer to the top and visa-versa, another pan of chips, finish in dehydrator.
Those smoke infusers are all over the fancy eateries here in NY.
They don't do anything but add $ to the dishes.
Like they all said get a smoker. Id rather have a stovetop smoker than one of those smoke vaporizers
I've been smoking foods for 30 years. A great trick is buy food grade smoker pellets from your local suppliers. Then look into smoke tubes they hold the pellets and you light them in the tube you can place them in your glass or charcoal grill and the produce a large volume of smoke the come in varying sizes and can last for up to 8 hrs their a great solution for cold smoking at a very moderate price and pellets are readily available in many great flavors. There used to enhance smoke in pellet smokers just make sure you don't use heating pellets they are not designed for food. Good luck and smokem if ya gottem! :)
I've been smoking foods for 30 years. A great trick is buy food grade smoker pellets from your local suppliers. Then look into smoke tubes they hold the pellets and you light them in the tube you can place them in your glass or charcoal grill and the produce a large volume of smoke the come in varying sizes and can last for up to 8 hrs their a great solution for cold smoking at a very moderate price and pellets are readily available in many great flavors. There used to enhance smoke in pellet smokers just make sure you don't use heating pellets they are not designed for food. Good luck and smokem if ya gottem! :)
Sorry for posting twice flipped out for a second :)