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smoking Smoking...

Anyone ever smoke frozen peppers?

Ther reason is that over the summer my red unused BB Japs went into a gallon freezer bag as they ripened.

Don`t want to make a mess and ruin good peppers so I ask! :)
I have never tried, but I can't see why you couldn't. Just keep in mind that once thawed, they will be softer than fresh. I would probably try just a few pods to test out at first.
I have never tried, but I can't see why you couldn't. Just keep in mind that once thawed, they will be softer than fresh. I would probably try just a few pods to test out at first.

Thanks! I will throw some serranos on the smoker to see :dance:

My worries were they wopuld turn to mush and not come out right. Serranos are as meaty if not more than BB Japs :)
They may turn to mush, but then again they may not. I just think the old adage, nothing tried is nothing gained, is so so true. I think it would be a safe experiment to do with meaty peppers, but something like a Hab probably wouldn't work too well. Just a guess...

I can't wait to see your results and you are inspiring me to try smoking some pods too.
Added a few serranos and checked on the bhuts... man they are drying fast! Red ones in particular. No 15 hours smokes there :lol:

Go for it!!! The taste is outstanding!

I may try and make a Smoky Jok sauce :dance:
Turning out well... though they are squishy at this point. Squishy, did I just say that :rofl:
