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Snake repellent

Hi there,
I was wondering if anyone has any experience with effective snake repellents. It's a big issue on my property as we commonly have tigers, and browns. I am moving out into the field this year so I am a little concerned.
I have LOTS of snakes on my property, I even have a 4m python resident who lives in the roof. I like having them around, never had a problem, wear good quality long pants and they generally can't get their fangs through.
We will walk straight past them, we don't bother them, they don't bother us.
Moth balls??
mongoose?? lol

Lol, I'm not sure we can have mongooses :P

I have LOTS of snakes on my property, I even have a 4m python resident who lives in the roof. I like having them around, never had a problem, wear good quality long pants and they generally can't get their fangs through.
We will walk straight past them, we don't bother them, they don't bother us.

I don't mind most, pythons are fine with me but we don't tend to have any around here.
Tigers & Eastern Browns however, freak me out a little as both are highly venomous and Tigers are aggressive. (They will attack unprovoked, you don't walk past a tiger snake and expect to be fine).
Get a little yip yip dog. Or a BIG gun!

Best defense is a good set of peepers and some good running shoes!
+1 on the dog. My mutt even knows the difference between venomous and non venomous. She only raises the alarm if it's a dangerous snake or scorpion. I've watched constrictors wriggle past her and she hasn't batted an eye lid!
Don't get me started on snakes or venomous spiders ... they freak me out .. coming from a country with no venomous animal species at all (bar 1 endangered seaside spider the Katipo) they make me incredible freaked out
(especially as having only been over here for a month or 2 when we first shifted over we had a funnel web in out bath room all barred up and ready to bite and dripping venom ... luckily we had a friend who was dumb enough to try to catch it and I was spared the indignity of looking like a big :censored: any longer :rofl: )

EDIT: But yeah I have heard a dog or a loyal cat even are the best ideas to have around as they will see/smell/hear them long before you
Don't get me started on snakes or venomous spiders ... they freak me out .. coming from a country with no venomous animal species at all (bar 1 endangered seaside spider the Katipo) they make me incredible freaked out
(especially as having only been over here for a month or 2 when we first shifted over we had a funnel web in out bath room all barred up and ready to bite and dripping venom ... luckily we had a friend who was dumb enough to try to catch it and I was spared the indignity of looking like a big :censored: any longer :rofl: )

EDIT: But yeah I have heard a dog or a loyal cat even are the best ideas to have around as they will see/smell/hear them long before you

the dog might be loyal but doesn't matter if the cat is or not....just throw the cat at it and run or carry a big stick...

You can choose the caliber for the repellant.
My next door neighbours had a 3.5 meter King Cobra IN there house. This was two weeks after I'd moved out from the UK. They were shouting "come see, come see', like a fool I went to have a look, not knowing what they were on about. I don't think I've ever jump so high or moved so fast when I saw it. The local snake catcher was called. He came equipped with a sort of pet transport cage and a piece of PVC piping with a noose attached. It was all very similar to this.
I was told that dogs are good at letting you know if a snake is your garden. I had a new puppy before the end of that day!