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ah well i got some white stuff on the ground now. but its going away. but the thing is it did accumulate.
What's Snow? :lol:
Well today we have a nice cool day for Texas. High of only 86f. I cant remember if snow needs it to be cooler than that.
Oh man I dont even want to think about that stuff. We are supposed to have "fluries" this week. Its bad enough that when it rains people drive like 20-30MPH oh hiways rated at 65MPH. All because the roads are a little wet. Snow looks nice and all but I dont like the weather that comes with it and I dont like having to clear my driveway of it. You'd never think I was a Minnesotan my whole life...lol
Texas is taking applications for residency... ;)
AlabamaJack said:
Texas is taking applications for residency... ;)

Glad I'm already here, but we had a heat index of 108 yesterday, and it sucked. And what is this snow stuff that is being spoken of?
this is just recently to bad i dident get a pic of what it looked like a day after this. we got half a foot of the white fuffy stuff.
i ment to but i remembered this thread after that... and the pic was taken on the first may 1st 2010
Damn,how late into spring do you still get snow? I remember once when I lived in Pennsylvania years ago, we got a freak blizzard in April that dumped a couple feet on us.