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So how long do superhotwhateverimgrowing peppers take to ripen?

Waiting is a horrible game.. We all know that.:(

It might take longer at this time of the year if your weather is starting to cool off??
A lot of us are in the same boat. I've been staring at the same half ripe pods for what seems like weeks now. I've brought a couple of plants inside and the few that were almost ready on those have finished off and I've been able to pick them. It wasn't much but I needed it and it got me through.
Same here and it's getting colder by the day. I have covered my outdoor plants with so called "ripening hoods" for tomatoes. Took half a day, but way better than finding them frozen to death one morning really soon!
Necrocannibal said:
Ive had a few at the same size for weeks with no evidence of ripening. Im getting impatient.

If I recall, its takes freakin forever. I had hab and naga pods
that were full size for a couple months before they began to ripen.

Had them inside in my grow room for a couple weeks and damn near all the pods are starting to turn color.

Cool nights slow things down to a snails pace.
Yeah, I don't have any superhottie pods yet, but been staring at the same 2-3 Jalas for awhile now wondering when they'll start turning...

I find large quantities of beer helps with the waiting.
If you got humidity and the plant can get enough water some pods will turn green to red in under a week, if you don't it may take 2 or even 4 weeks. sucks waiting dosn't it.
I have about 60 nagas starting to turn after about 2 months so soon my list of outgoing packages will be filled .

just wait it out and keep them from freezing !!!
Hell, I just noticed a Bih sprouted in a cup I'd forgotten about...no biggie eh?

Except, I'd planted that seed in July.

Weird things, these chiles.

rainbowberry said:
Yes putting them in a bag with a ripe banana would help ripen them. The banana gives off Ethylene.

would this effect the heat??

I like to starv them with little water at the end of the ripening stage as i thought this helped with the heat level??

I also think that supermarket peppers are not all that hot cause they pick them green.
I dunno, I only tend to do this if I've knocked a green chilli off the plant and there's no sun for it to ripen on the window sill. Otherwise I leave them on the plant and be patient.