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So how long do superhotwhateverimgrowing peppers take to ripen?

Well the first of the other 12 plants that came i`m just now getting the 1st change over.The peach habs then the red datyl- thats it.Hold on and it has to be soon.
I have a couple of green habs that I broke off when I was moving a few plants and they turned red and were just as hot as the others....

how then do they have no heat peppers that look like scorpions and habs in grocery stores ???

I have always assumed that they were picked green and shipped and that was why.
Go figure..I posted about that Jalapeno not turning, and I woke up today and it had done this literally overnight:


Kewl. :D
scoville said:
Does Ehylene affect the viability of the seeds?Will they be immature if the fruit is?

I expect that the seeds will be fine. The article pretty clearly indicates
that even though the ripening process is triggered artificially or hastened using ethylene, the ripening is real. When the fruit is ripe, that seeds are too.
Ok well my fattali,peach hab ,naga are all starting to turn.I`ve got 1 plant that looking at that I have no clue what it is.2 scorps are putting out big time.Can`t send another plant but will send you the pods .Sorry man big time!It`s what I got sent.
they seem to take about two weeks longer than you think they should. try not inspecting them everyday and you might get a big surprise.
lol good advice.
I got my first ripe naga for the season today. it was only anbout 3 contremetres long but I sliced it up and fed it to the boys in the kitchen...small but very very hot lol.
Mine took somewhere around 5 weeks to ripen. But once they start, they go fast. And the rest will shortly follow.
That bag of serranos I snagged...I left 'em closed up in a paper bag at room temperature since then, and 4 more chiles have turned red.

They are starting to get some shrinkage, so they are going in fridge/freezer now, but just shows that peppers surely do ripen off the plant.

Tastes like the sugar content went up too compared to the green ones..even if not on the vine.