seeds So when's everyone starting their seedlings?

Last season was really bad because the coolest wettest spring i remember. This year i'm trying to overwinter a lot of stuff and start few new varieties very soon.

Good luck everyone

Yea I have had awesome growth noticeably better. With the group of plants that I didn't add it to they look bad. I start my seeds in it then on first transplant fill transplant hole with it.
I'll be starting mine in the next few weeks.... first time starting before its already started warming up.... since they'll be inside just until they're ready to go outside, is there a standard transplant schedule? Gotta look at what I'm wanting to overwinter and see how many new ones I have to start, so I might have room to just start them in solo cups than the starting tray....
I'm in so cal.... thinking I should be fine with planting out late feb/early march.... still warm enough during the day, but we have some sub 40 nights coming up with rain and I'm being told its like that pretty much all winter....
When I moved here in april, nights were in the 50s with the rainy season ending....
So thinking starting the hardening off process in march and planting out towards the end would probably be better.... now just to figure out what I'm gonna try to keep and whst I'm growing for next year and find space to fit all these solo cups where it isn't a hassle to move them daily.... by then the garage should be warm enough for them to stay in overnight....
I should start mine soon, I still need to order seeds as well. Last year the earliest I got any seeds in the ground was April and I am just about to get a good harvest out of them all. So I would rather not do that again. I really should get them started because here in FL I could probably put them outside in early March.
Already started some of mine. Have CGN 21500, Brazilian starfish, Bishop's crown, aji pineapple, tepin and not Jay's peach ghost scorps sown. When space allows going to add SBJ7 and MoA scotch bonnets, and possibly a couple more varieties as well. 
I've started 18 varieties already. I'm attempting to stage them to have each of them produce all spring/summer. I'm finding that will be quite a feat :) I have no idea even if that is feasable but it's worth a go...

Hoping to have all of my planned 24 varieties started by Jan 1st.
January 1st, so they'll be perfect size for mid-May outdoor planting. Starting 24 varieties that I have not previously grown. I will hopefully be able to plant my overwinters (Aji Limon, White Bullet, Peach Hab, & Pumpkin Hab) outdoors at that time as well. Cannot wait...
I live in zone 4 so they don't go outside until June. I have a full basement grow with 4 hid 1000 watt lights with 400 plants that are 4 weeks now and will keep rotating in new seedling transplants every 4 weeks. I keep 300 for myself in root pouch pots and the rest get farmer marketed in 3 gallon nursery pots I try and use all my basement space so nothing gets wasted.
Scotch bonnet - planted 12/3
Hungarian Hotwax  - planted 12/3
Cayenne, Ring of Fire  - planted 12/3
Calico Pepper  - planted 12/3
Fish Pepper  - planted 12/3
Various Bells  - planted 12/3
Yet to plant, hopefully by the 15th:
Cayenne, Large
Giant Bhut Jolokia
Carolina Reaper
Atomic Starfish
Giant Jalapeno
14 Different types of peppers. I'm starting the seeds in rockwool, and put 2 seeds in each hole, culling the smaller of the two at a later point in time. I am hoping to end up with 56 total plants, and will most likely end up giving some away.
Started seedlings in August, then some more in September, then some more in October and November, some at the beginning of this month and about to start some more :)
Yes, I started to top the plant before the Y. And then top once or twice more as needed to even growth or to create more splits.

This process does create a longer grow time for me, and I usually end up trimming a lot of flowers off before letting the plant create the pods we all love so much