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SocalChilehead 2013

Well I decided to start new now that I cut everything now and will clean up the greenhouse for the new season this weekend.
Now for the List

This what they look likesince I started them earlier

That is it for now on my list hopefully, but there is a chance it will expand :banghead:
Thanks Brent yea I still have to see if there are more to add for this season or save for next. The white bhut seeds were amazing I got from Judy and it sprouted within four day it was my first sprout.

Thank you Prehensile 55 is okay last year I grew 40 or 44 and it was not enough especially when it came to uniqueness that the reason I am more interested in crosses, but I think and hope will be a great year.

Brandon and Jamie you guys got me :think: now lol, but I am sure I will add or switch what I find now until december and I am sure Brent would enjoy a few plants if it get to the point I have to many. There is alot more I would love to grow which will be in my 2014 list yes it is already setup whatever I have that is new I don't grow this year will be saved for next season.

Thank you Joe the peach bhut was amazing and knew it was a priority to overwinter it will be in a 25 gallon container.
Fernando,......... great startup !.................I'm jealous......................you've got me looking at my seed packs again............hah
Nice list and grow for 2013. I wish my peach bhut was true, turned out to be red when ripe and smooth skinned, not too stable for sure. It did not make it to my list for digging up yesterday.

Good luck in 2013!
Thanks Greg but you don't need the head start you always have an amazing overall year that is what I am aiming for to have 5 gallon bucket harvest.

Thanks Chris I still have pod hanging on the plant I will harvest the seeds for you just send me a SASBE if you would like Brent took a better picture than me of them http://thehotpepper.com/topic/34862-buy-a-few-podsmake-a-few-powders/

Like I said I don't know if that is the end or if I will makes changes, but made another order for seeds that should complete my purchases for the season when it come to seeds. Thanks everyone
Nice list there Fernando. I've been a very bad procrastinator and need to get it going. Here I have this great second season and I’m wasting it.

On the happier side though I have 3 sauces to complete this week and a 6 gallon batch of beer to brew for the holidays. :)
Yes, that is an awesome list. I hope mine does not get that big. :lol: Your seedlings are looking nice
and healthy. How is the peach bhut? Someone sent me some seeds. Hopefully they turn out peach
if I grow them next year.
Bill your an awesome creator in anything you get your hands on and being your in Florida with the year round season I don't think you will ever be late just in time. Good luck with your new season

Thanks Kalimazoop being your in SD I am not sure when it would be appropriate to especially depending on your exact location, but other members from SD like Shane ( http://thehotpepper.com/user/5729-stc3248/ ) that will start in Jan and I am not sure about Spongey600 ( http://thehotpepper.com/user/4871-spongey600/ ). There are a few members I have seen from SD that will have better input than me about starting in SD. With my starts I actually have homemade greenhouse that I am finally starting to cover from the inside with 6mm plastic sheeting that will protect it from the cold and with heater inside it will keep everything warm. Sorry about the lack of input, but I believe everyday and anyday is a great day to start seeds if you have everything to provide them that consist of lighting or sunshine and heat.

Thanks roper2008 but the list is not complete still have one to add but I have to go over a package that Grant sends me that should be here next week and plus what I find along the way. The peach bhut were hands down the best for me when I compared them to my red and yellow bhuts. I enjoyed the exterior characteristics that I was greating from the plant and the interior were great especially the flavor that was still present with the heat that why I decide on this one over the red and yellow.

No real update sorry everybody just getting everything ready to put up the plastic since it is starting to get colder and windy now. Once I get everything ready I going to use just blue LED christmas lights I am going to try andcover the half of the ceiling if possible with some T12 lights dedicated for the seedlings.
Thanks hope everyone has a great weekend
I thought I should do another update my plants fell way behind due to the lack of sun light and cold, but that is finally take care of I ordered an LED setup that will be for the seedling and the T8 from last year will be for my overwinters and finally finish sealing everything up. I don't know if it is much of an update as some are small and others on their third set of leaves. Next week I will start some boogiebrew for the ones on their 2 and 3 set of leaves and my OW. The only seed that have yet to sprout is the Jay peach ghost scorpion so hopefully my last two seeds will kick up by next week. Have a great weekend




Looking great, Fernando. Your seedlings are definitely taking off. No way are mine beyond yours! The Jay's Peach were relatively slow to germ and the rates weren't great, at least for me. I have one out of eight that popped. I'm sure yours are gonna do much better, though. I still have kind of a brown thumb. ;)
I'll bet you're glad to finally get all your babies under cover Fernando! Please post lots of pics to show how the LED lights are working for your seedlings... I have an LED floodlight that I'm going to try this winter when starting my late-season varieties.
Brent Thanks I was able to get one seed to germinate so it will be watch over until it matures.

Yes Rick I was tired of having them in a cold area now hopefully they will take off after the Neptunes Fish and seaweed fertilizer. The LED lights I got are ok nothing to serious as I only need it until Jan once we start to get more daylight.

Stefan thank you once I sw Ted do the video review I love the exterior characteristics supposedly it an f4 and f5 seeds so I hope they can keep their shape and heat for me.

Well today I finally finished enclosing everything and putting up the lights one LED system and T8. O and I got three amazing packages from Grant (JungleRain), Meatfreak, and Meinchoh that added a 14 new varieties and added another from Rick (Stickman) that he had sent me previously. All the new varieties will be updated to my grow list.
Thanks again everyone who has a part in making my growlist possible.



Nebru is the pot clay color pot


Nice looking light setup Fernando. You're definitely on your way! I'll mos def' be keeping an eye on how the LED panel does for you. I have a different LED lamp that I'll be trying out for the first time this season when I start the long-season chiles. It's very intense and all blue wavelength... I think I'll combine it with a 5500k CFL to make it more broad spectrum and increase the lumens. Cheers!