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SocalChilehead 2013

Well I decided to start new now that I cut everything now and will clean up the greenhouse for the new season this weekend.
Now for the List

This what they look likesince I started them earlier

That is it for now on my list hopefully, but there is a chance it will expand :banghead:
Awesome as always, Fernando. I too will be interested to see how the LEDs perform for you. So is this light setup in your greenhouse, or somewhere else? Good growin' to you, Bro!
Thanks Brent everything is in the greenhouse except the new ones that I am waiting to germinate, which are a few backs up just in case. I am also interested to see the plants react to it, but it seem all the plants are loving the lights as they are starting to react.

Thanks Jamison, but I sure I will have a few here and there casualties like the 7 pot Congo and Douglah BB that have yet to recover from the cold and aphid damage that is from being dumb and not covering everything earlier so atleast nature help trim down my list some what.

Thanks Roper2008 good luck on deciding what should be on your list, but the plant out is going to be early or mid Feb. not sure yet.

Thanks Jeff H and Walkgood hopefully everybody will enjoy it.
Best of luck with the 2013 season, Fernando. That is an impressive list of superhots, you won't get cold next season as there's enough :fireball: on that list. Can't wait to see some younglings soon!
Thanks Conor I am excited as well with SS cross.

Stefan thank you my friend the Jalapeno Farmer Market Potato actually sprouted yesterday and I can not wait until the other varieties sprout. The list is ok but there is way to many that I wish I could be able to add.

Well notice today I fungus gnats is starting to get worse so once the new pots come in I will be able to switch to bottom watering that will help. I also order a few more seeds from Vlad, Judy (pepperlover), and Bakercreeks. Most of the new varieties will be for a later season, but the one from Judy I will start once they get here due to them being Cap variety that she stated takes forever to produce small pods, but the baker creek seeds I am really excited for as it is more herb oriented that I hope to be able to blend with the pods. The names crossed out on the list are the plants I lost or decided to remove to make remove.

7 pot yellow primo (red pot)




Thanks Brent I am going to start transplanting a few into bigger pots since I got a new T8 light setup similar to the one in the picture.

Stefan yea man your seeds and everyone else minus Refining Fire Chilies (10% germination :censored: ) has been nothing but 100% germination. Sorry about the itchy but once my orders came flooding in I couldn't help myself. The amazing thing this I still have a bunch of other awesome varities that I didn't grow that I will store for next season I also got to start growing some of the organization seeds we were talking about I have a few CGN and PI varieties now and will start adding more through the season as I find them.

Rick thank I wish you and your family as well everyone here at THP (Pepper family) and their families a Happy and Safe Holiday.
Hey Conor that was part of the first set of seeds that sprouted a long time ago I got 100% germination on 2 seeds and had to thin it out. On a heat mat it usually takes me about a week to germinate, but it is not the same for everyone what I did notice that the center of the mat keep the consistent as it loses heat away from the center area. Good luck and they will sprout soon always had perfect germination with SS seeds.
Babies are looking most excellent my friend. Should be an amazing variety of chili's for 2013. Anticipation is the hardest thing. How are those choc scorps coming along?
Jamie thanks for stopping by brother your Chocolate scorpion is starting to bud and flower again the earlier ones were falling off I think because I kept them in 1 gallon to long, but finally found sometime last week to transplant and it is starting to bud and flower after a some tea.

Conar yup it hard that why I started early and now that they have some lights and warm home they are starting to take off.

Well I took down the LED light because with the new babies I needed a new light setup so I got another 4' T8. I will be using the LED for the herb seeds for my indoor setup once the seeds get here. I also added a few more varieties I ordered from Judy and Vlad that I will introduce later along with the two awesome varieties Chris sent me. Everything is going great and almost done with the germination process before Jan. I will also be adding 2 more greenhouses on top of the current one. This year will be great and excited to see how it goes.

Last night tea

Jamie Chocolate Scorpion (flowers)

7 pot Congo SR Huge


