• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

SocalChilehead 2013

Well I decided to start new now that I cut everything now and will clean up the greenhouse for the new season this weekend.
Now for the List

This what they look likesince I started them earlier

That is it for now on my list hopefully, but there is a chance it will expand :banghead:
Thanks Jamison, but I sure I will have a few here and there casualties like the 7 pot Congo and Douglah BB that have yet to recover from the cold and aphid damage that is from being dumb and not covering everything earlier so atleast nature help trim down my list some what.

At what temperature does the cold damage your plants? I have been keeping mine outside thinking I didn't need to overwinter in LA.
Thanks for the compliments and well wishes to you both as well as everybody this holiday season.

Hello SJ thanks for stopping by the two plants that died were seedlings, so they were unable to handle the cold and with the aphids only worsen the situation. Usually it is not recommended for pepper plants to stay out in below 40 deg weather, but depending on what part of LA your in you should be fine. I cut down a while back a yellow scorpanero that I left outside through the cold and rain it is starting to show signs of new growth, but just be careful because it is the end of dec and Jan from my experience that we get icy weather atleast in my past experiences of LA. Yea we don't need to overwinter, but just keep checking up on the weather I use weather.com as my homepage for this time of the season. Let me know if you start a growlog I enjoy following people progress from the local area. Good luck and have a great upcoming season.
I tend to gravitate towards the other Socal glogs to, but most of the time I just lurk. You've inspired me, I'll finally start my own log soon. Soon I'll have a plot in a community garden, so I'll finally have a place outside besides my balcony.

I don't think I've seen it get much below 40 where I live in the San Fernando Valley, but this is my first year growing so I haven't really paid attention before. It all seems warm compared to my former home of Chicago. I'm hoping my larger plants to be able to handle it. They are okay so far, my Hab is still putting out flowers and pods. My other plants are not flowering, but I recently cut them back and they are exploding with new growth.
Wonderful start to the 'new' season, Fernando! You have 10 green thumbs!
I hope you will post a pic of your sanctuary soon with all the awesome upgrades!
Thanks again for the powders, my friend, they are so tempting, and I can't wait to
try them.

Here's to a great holiday season for you and your family, and continued success
with your start-up! Will be fun to watch your plants take off in the Spring!
That is great new SJ I wish you the best, watch out with the community garden one member here posted pictures of people breaking branches to take pods rather than properly trimming or leaving a note asking to take some pods. I advise be selective in what you grow between your home and the community garden. Yea SF Valley doesn't get that bad I think during december, but I am not sure as long as you keep an eye on the weather you should be great. Yea the larger plants should be okay through dec and jan. That is great news about your habs I have a few varieties of habs not sure what would have to look, but never grown them only but the peach and chocolate habs my favorite by far from the hab varieties. That great trimming always strengthen the lower base, which always help not only support but explode in flowering once ready to set flowers. If you have any questions just feel free to just pm. I will try to help as much as I can.

Paul you're too kind if I had 10 green thumbs I would kindly share with anyone to funny about the big head comment lol, but Kevin, SS, and few others are by far much more notable growers than me. I will do really nothing new added trying to plan out for the drip system for next year, since I didn't like the setup last year their is always something new to improve. No problem but the thanks truly goes to Kevin a great pepper chief thought you guys would like especially the cool bottles. You to my friend hope everything is going well with your family. Me to the spring can not come any sooner, but especially to try a new additives that is suppose to explode plants with their intake.

Well small update plants are starting to kick butt now some I think are dealing with tranplant shock and are finally getting over it, so it is only a small bump in the road. Their are also four different types of basil that sprouted along with a Milk thistle.





7 pot Jonah Yellow (Grant)

7 pot primo Yellow (Grant)

Bhut jolokia x Pimenta De Neyde black (Grant)

Jalapeno Farmers Market (MeatFreak)

Nebru(from Meinchoh who got them from Chris)

Thanks again everyone for stopping by now time to work on my paper arrgggg I want to wish everyone great holiday season to you and your family and happy growing
Wow, seedlings are looking good Fernando. That JFMP had really vigorous growth over here, looks like it's the same with yours. Make sure to comb the little hairs on the stem and leaves :lol:
Wow Fernando, you've been a busy guy in the greenhouse, and carrying a course load too... Good on ya! How much longer 'til you get a break between terms? It's amazing how much time creeps up on you... I just took a look at the calendar and saw that it's less than 2 weeks to Christmas. That's got me thinking of Posole...
Thanks Brent for the well wishes three days straight of no sleep hopefully pay off.

Paul thank you sir for everything

Stefan thank you I am excited to see the pods from this variety and see how to use it. The PL you sent me is looking great as well just set it first true leaves and the color combination of the BJ x PDN is always great to just stare at.

Thanks Rick the plants haven't been much of a hassle I normally just check on them every other day to make sure the don't need anything or if something is bugging them. I started yesterday at 6 pm it was a great feeling actually sleeping in, but yeah the year went by fast 5 months and I am done I always have my family reminding me lol. Yea we normally make tamales for Christmas eve and open them Christmas day it a tradition for my grandmother we eat Posole two or three days before New Years. I am trying to talk my folks to get a roast goat head for this year tamales to add with some dried bhuts or brain strain pods.

Greg thank you for stopping by I can not wait to see you get your seeds and OW started always a pleasure to follow.

To everyone on THP have a great Christmas with your family and growing season whether you are just starting seeds or harvesting pods
Holy crap, we are still waiting for our big dump of snow here to start the worst of winter and here you are putting up amazing seedlings that are growing like weeds.
As others have said just amazing looking babies. You are gonna be deep in peppers by april at the latest. I gotta get my asre in gear if I am gonna hang with you. :fireball:

Merry Christmas Fernandooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
Thanks Stefan I have had a few set backs through delay but it seems they are now in full gear, which is always great to see Merry Christmas.

Thanks Jamie I doubt it will be to bad in my last year as I set it up to have two classes that are kick back to go with my final two that is provide a Challenge that is always great. Haha nah man if I can get my plants to produce where can get a consistent bi-weekly harvest I would be set. Merry Christmas to you to buddy. I would wish you luck this week in FF, but I wouldn't mean it lol.

Well Stefan your right and I committed a THP crime well like I stated while checking on my OW or trimmed plants they are starting to pump out some green while others are budding and setting flowers.

Red BrainStrain

Yellow Brain Strain flowering

7 pot Brown flowering

Mystery late start

Chocolate Scorpion (Jamie) setting pods

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone

Glad to see your OW plants are doing so well and pumping out pods Fernando. Also nice to see your Ladybug army patrolling your chiles in good numbers to take out the aphids!

Have a happy Holiday my friend. and have some of that Asado and Posole for me, eh? Cheers!
Thanks Rick well we started making Posole yesterday and finished making it today
Posole cooking meat for 12 hours with an Onion

Adding the Chili sauce


Final product

Final product without soup

Final product with additives and Kevin amazing Super Smoky 7 goes great together

Add Tamales will be made Monday
Thanks Rick thought you may like it something to warm the stomach on a cold morning I tried to take close pics but the camera got fog up every time, but I am thinking about incorporating more of our family meal into my growlog every now and than. I also started another growlog that involves non peppers you might be interested in mostly herbs and greens. http://thehotpepper....-other-growlog/

Thanks Sicman it was good I also had it with some freshly homemade tortillas.

I hope everyone has a great and safe Christmas and New Year with their family.
You can definitely count me in for having a bowl of that, talk about fantastic looking! My mouth is watering.

Merry Christmas and happy New Year to you and your family!