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SoFlo Man Gravy meets RocketMan to become HE MAN GRAVY!!!

So what happens when a good sauce like SoFlo's Man Gravy attracts The RocketMans attention?


Why you get RocketMans SpFlo HE MAN GRAVY and it's goooooddddddsd too.


You can't tell the difference when you just look at them but.............
Well, it's a closely held secret recipe that has been handed down to only a select few and revealing how to make it has dire consequences. What I did was to amp up the Heat with a Butch T and an Assam Bhut Indian Carbon. Now it has a NICEEeeeeee little burn to it.
My brain must need readjusting because He Man Gravy sounds vaguely..... I'm trying to find a word other thank kinky...
I am a lucky memeber of the Star Chamber that has this recipe, and we need to make another batch.

You might have to call me on the Red Phone with your mojofications.

Coming from you, it has to be good.