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soil Soil and food

Forgive me if this is a repetitive topic but any recomendations on potting soil and plant food? I'am thinking about Pro-Mix but still confused about feeding.
Sorry if I am pointing out the obvious, but there is a sticky thread all about soil here:


You did not say you had already read it, so I am letting you know it's there in case you missed it.

Welcome to THP.
I tried pro mix again this year and it worked out really well. I used a generic version of miracle grow, I think it was pretty balanced, not 10-10-10 but close. Better still would be something like Pure Blend Pro. Fish emulsion and seaweed works well. Weak feeding of balanced NPK will work well. Sometimes extra calcium or magnesium to correct deficiencies.
Also less is more when it comes to ferts. They will grow just fine with out them but too much will seriously screw them up.
I used ProMix BX and used the Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Grow along with Aquashield, CalMag and Liquid Karma. Plants look great and they are producing a good amount of peppers.