food Solstice Molé

Hogleg. That guy.
He's gonna be here a week and I'm trying to figure how to make all the food we want to cook. I should say, He's ONLY going to be here a week. LOL It's probably gonna go something like this: Day 1: Molé for breakfast, tacos for lunch, and smoke pork sammies for dinner. Day 2: etc. etc. etc.hahahahahahahhahaha
He's bringing his fishin pole so maybe we'll have some Steelhead to play with when he coaxes them out of the river. LOL
It will happen! I want to cook tomorrow but our little four legged guy is having his teeth cleaned so we might have to keep it a mellow night. Wednesday is the Solstice so.....

And before y'all even ask, I have no more Rubbermaid's. :rofl: