food Solstice Molé

Scoville DeVille said:
the winter solstice.... "celebrations" around a bonfire.... a drunken recreation of Stonehenge..... Im starting to think this heathen Scoville is part of some Pagan cult!!
What say you sir!?!

....seriously though that Mole has me droolin with envy :drooling:
Scovie, we need to do another mole cookoff.  I'll serve something out of a can just so we can come over and eat your mole sauce.  :lol: 
One pile of trash gone, few more to go, but I bet it feels good to have all that house stuff GONE. 
The day you get drug out of bed at the first crack of dawn--if yer lucky.
Screaming younger close relatives till noonish, then the obnoxious ones show up and hang around till after dinner.
Best to start the day with a nice hot mug of peppermint cocoa.
Heavy on the "peppermint". ;)
Hey Scovie! Nice Mole'! Which dried chiles go into yours?
Also, have you ever made Black Mole'? I grew Pasillas and Chilhuacle Negros this year and dried them whole for making it, but thought I'd save it for after the holidays. Cheers!
:rofl: @ Gotrox (It sounds like HHWiskey might be good too)

No Stickman, I have never made black Mole, but I've had it before. I have been "tipsy" a few times while roasting the chiles in the oven and they ended up black but, I had to start over. :rofl: I have made Green mole before, only once. It was really good, but not the same as Mole Poblano. I use Pasilla Negro's, Pasilla Ancho's, New Mexico's, California's, and Habs (Red Savina preferably).

Pasillas and Chilhuacles would be enough to make a great mole! You should use those from your garden!
I follow the 2 to 1 method with rice, (4 cups liquid - 2 cups rice).

2-3 Tbs Vegetable Oil
2 Cups Long Grain White rice
1 Can of Diced tomatoes with green chile's then top with chicken broth to achieve 4 Cups liquid
1/2 white or yellow onion finely chopped
2-3 Cloves of Garlic
Black Pepper
Red Savina powder or what ever heat you like

Heat oil in a large skillet to med-high. Add rice and stir into oil until coated and keep stirring until most of the rice is slightly browned. Squish the rice to one side of the pan, and pull that side of the pan off the heat (leave the other half over the burner). Add onions and garlic to the empty side of the pan and stir until just soft and opalescent. Add the liquid and remaining ingredients and stir into the rice. (The mixture should be at least an inch deep). Cover and reduce heat to simmer or low for 45 minutes to an hour. Check it at 45-50 minutes to be sure it isn't sticking. BAM! Serve.
Scoville DeVille said:
I follow the 2 to 1 method with rice, (4 cups liquid - 2 cups rice).

2-3 Tbs Vegetable Oil
2 Cups Long Grain White rice
1 Can of Diced tomatoes with green chile's then top with chicken broth to achieve 4 Cups liquid
1/2 white or yellow onion finely chopped
2-3 Cloves of Garlic
Black Pepper
Red Savina powder or what ever heat you like

Heat oil in a large skillet to med-high. Add rice and stir into oil until coated and keep stirring until most of the rice is slightly browned. Squish the rice to one side of the pan, and pull that side of the pan off the heat (leave the other half over the burner). Add onions and garlic to the empty side of the pan and stir until just soft and opalescent. Add the liquid and remaining ingredients and stir into the rice. (The mixture should be at least an inch deep). Cover and reduce heat to simmer or low for 45 minutes to an hour. Check it at 45-50 minutes to be sure it isn't sticking. BAM! Serve.
That is really close to my Mexican rice recipe.  Mine uses tomato paste instead of diced w/ green chiles (or Rotel as we generically refer to them).  Mine has chopped cilantro but lacks garlic.  Btw, is your garlic minced or just left whole after peeling?
Thanks for posting this, I'm gonna try it out next week with something from south of the border.
Count, I usually push it through a garlic press so the flavor is there, with no chunkyness.

Luckydog, pm me your email adress, I will send my recipe PDF. I don't mind sharing my recipe at all, I just don't want to post it publicly. I first made this mole 20 years ago, and spent about 5 years perfecting it. I haven't made any changes since. I would say, it's perfect. LOL
Hi Scovie,
   I finally got around to making Black Mole. It's the first time for me so I went with this online recipe... I may tweak it later on, but this is my baseline...  The chiles are Chilhuacle Negros, Mulatos and Pasillas.






The recipe made 10 cups, which I divided up into 5 small ziplok bags and froze for later. I'll use this for Enchilada sauce, Chicken or Turkey Mole and with shredded chicken as a filling for Tamales. Cheers!
Very nice Rick. I've made adobo but not mole'. I'll have to try that this year since I am growing the peppers.
When I made the adobo, I noticed that the dried peppers tasted slightly burnt. Probably a result of the commercial drying. Did you notice that in your mole'?
Scovie, The equinox will be upon us soon. Do you have an equinox party or just a solstice party?
Jeff H said:
Very nice Rick. I've made adobo but not mole'. I'll have to try that this year since I am growing the peppers.
When I made the adobo, I noticed that the dried peppers tasted slightly burnt. Probably a result of the commercial drying. Did you notice that in your mole'?
Scovie, The equinox will be upon us soon. Do you have an equinox party or just a solstice party?
Yeah... dried chile pods taste different... more smoky...  plus,  sun-dried and oven-dried chiles taste different from each other as well. I think the sun-dried chiles have a brighter, sweeter taste IMHO. :)