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Some garden photos + problem

Pam said:
I think you misread a lot of my posts


Pam said:
I ask questions and have learned a lot here.
not sure whats been going on before now, but all you have done since I started posting here is give me a hard time.

Pam said:
Sometimes I make mistakes, and I am quickly corrected by others.

Show me some posts where you are corrected and have admitted your wrong about it, and I will apologize for what I said.

Pam said:
I'm a gardening geek, though, and I know a great deal about the subject,from experience, hanging out with genteel Southern gardeners, and reading.

We all have are strong points here, but I don’t dismiss peoples advise as quickly as you do.

Pam said:
And I stopped playing dumb around men when I was about 15.
what do you mean, what are you implying? :) ;)
scarecrow said:

not sure whats been going on before now, but all you have done since I started posting here is give me a hard time.

I really don't know what you're talking about, but if you feel I have been giving you a hard time, I apologize. It certainly was *not* intentional.

Show me some posts where you are corrected and have admitted your wrong about it, and I will apologize for what I said.

Ok, whoa. I'm not trying to prove anything. I was trying to be nice and smooth over a rough patch by pointing out that I make mistakes and get corrected. I'm far, far, far from perfect. And I'm not looking for an apology from you.

I honestly have no idea why you're trying so hard to pick a fight with me, but I'll put you on 'ignore' so there won't be the slightest chance of my doing whatever it is that has made you so angry again.
BobsYourUncle said:
I planted my trinidad scorpions out in the garden today, and thought I'd take a few photos while I was at it. Here's a selection (I'll post URLs, since the pictures are between 200-600KB):

One of the 5 scorpions, still only small...

A very healthy looking dorset naga. I don't think this photo does it justice, it looks really happy.

My baby serrano tree - it got pretty tall pretty fast, and is now starting to shoot out on all sides.

My first pod of the season, a very early hot wax.

And finally, a problem I'm having with quite a few plants that are in pots instead of the garden bed. Yellowing, upwards-curling leaves, and while they are getting some new growth, it's slow. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with these, but I hope they can be saved... (I think this is a naga of some sort)

Nice Scorpion ... Is that the Trinidad Scorpion? ;)
TriniHottie said:
Nice Scorpion ... Is that the Trinidad Scorpion? ;)

It is :)

In other news, I got some miracle grow the other day, and the early signs are good, but I haven't been home in a couple of days, so i'll have to check them tonight.
bentalphanerd said:
How did the storms treat you out there Bobs?

Not too bad, a bit of wind and some hail (mostly on monday), but no real damage to my plants, which is what really matters, right? Decent hail (good size and amount) on monday night, the first decent hail we've had here in years. Oh, and enough rain to top the tank back up :hell:

Oh, and the potted plants are coming back nicely, so I think we can close this case :party: Thanks everyone.
Pam said:
I honestly have no idea why you're trying so hard to pick a fight with me

don’t turn this around and play victim, lol..

couldnt find any posts huh? haha

Pam said:
but I'll put you on 'ignore' so there won't be the slightest chance of my doing whatever it is that has made you so angry again.

Good! Now I can post in peace... thanks..:)
If it were me i would get rid of the bark and water less, i over water all the time (i think we all love our chillis a bit too much) , just remember they grow in very hot countrys :)
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