Well, Friends, thanks for yr kind opinions, some of which are cute.
The garden space is my mum's. The large frame at the very back (10 feet tll) is to house and protect some of the plants of more value. It has 70% netting as the equatorial sun is ...
The imprisoned plants are "innocent" - I am keeping the human 'pests' - busybodies neighbours from touching (many are smokers and also have halitosis) them. People in this part of the world have no manners, your plants' flowers get plucked (at least the chicken can cluck to alert its being molested). Plants get stolen too if one does not warn...best thing is to have fenced sanctuaries for these chilies.
I am a "cagey" person because of these very bad habits. In a few weeks, the 'cement' trough will have a fence around them too.
Old cooking woks are good for mixing soil too....LOTS more work to be done!