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Some of my plants are falling over :(

So I brought my plants outside a couple of times over the last week. Most of the plants have taken well to the new surroundings but some have "fallen" on hard times.

A couple of my plants tipped over. I have propped them back up using some small stakes but I was wondering if there is anything else I can do?

Any suggestions? Will they survive?
I found that hardening them off for the wind was worse than hardening them off for the sun. Have you got a more sheltered area? I found the slightest breeze sent them sideways so I've kept them indoors until they are bigger. Obviously staking helps. I did find my Orange hab from last year had blown over in the wind so I put half a brick on the top of the pot.
Yea, I guess you are right. I could probably find a more sheltered area. Yesterday, we barely had any wind and still 2 of my plants fell over. They are rather small plants though.

Do you think bringing them outside has benefit when they are still rather small? Or should I wait until they are a bit bigger?
I'd still put them out to harden off but in a more sheltered area, they'll certainly start growing a nice thick stem as they get bigger with the light they get. I only went to walk up to the greenhouse with one of mine a week ago and it bent over, I don't think I've ever moved my arse so fast back in the house with chilli plant in arms.
rainbowberry said:
I'd still put them out to harden off but in a more sheltered area, they'll certainly start growing a nice thick stem as they get bigger with the light they get. I only went to walk up to the greenhouse with one of mine a week ago and it bent over, I don't think I've ever moved my arse so fast back in the house with chilli plant in arms.

OK, thanks for the advice. You should have seen the sad face I had on. My wife thought I saw a ghost. They seem to be recovering though.
I harden my plants off in the container where they will spend the rest of their life. I add dirt to the bottom so that there is enough that when the plant sits on it, the bottom leaves reach just below the top of the container. I then place the plant - root ball and all - on top of the dirt and add soil around the roots until the ball is completely covered, then add another inch or so. Next, I add two large cups of water so the roots and the dirt around them are soaked, then fill the rest of the container with dirt. This means very little stem is left bare so wind is not a factor. The plants then go on the porch where they get only morning and early afternoon sun.

It's not unusual for some of the bottom leaves to droop for a day or so but they come back fine.

i put a cayenne and a jalepeno outside and thought they were going to be blown straight out of their pots. less than a week later their stems are stocks :| they got Beefed up for sure. might seem like it'll die or not like it, but just sheild it a little and it will be happier than ever
teh purple penguins said:
i put a cayenne and a jalepeno outside and thought they were going to be blown straight out of their pots. less than a week later their stems are stocks :| they got Beefed up for sure. might seem like it'll die or not like it, but just sheild it a little and it will be happier than ever

OK, thanks I'll give it a shot. :lol:
If you put a fan on them before you bring them out it can help streaghen them up. I had to stake a bunch of my plants last year wont hurt them just make sure that you dont tie them tight because it will cut the stem. I had that happen a couple times last year the wind would make the stem rub on the wire and it cut right throught the plant.
must admit had some big jims/lemon drops and jalas that blew about in the wind a bit..i moved them to a slightly less windy area for a week or so and the stems became thicker and i just left them..but they where getting plenty of sun from dusk till dawn..plus ive been hardening them to lower temps there all out tonight and its going down to 6..which it was last night we will see how they cope..but at the moment there all doing well..i hope lol :rolleyes:
without pics it is hard to tell if they are leggy or just that it was windy .
my plants are about 24 inches high and the stem at the base is about 3/4 of an inch thick so they are strong .
some of my smaller plants get planted up to 14 inches into the ground as it helps with holding up the plant and it will also grow roots up to the dirt.
I lay down some of my peppers and tomatoes this way also.