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Some Peppers Majorly F%$#ed-Up...Hail

I put some of my specimens outside this past weekend to get a head start on the season. Things were going dandy until a super-cell hailstorm hit about an hour ago...now my Jamaican Hot Choc has bullet holes and shredded leaves. Almost every damn one! Lost a smaller Naga and Limon although these were not my nicer ones and I have replacements. My sole Serrano pepper was snapped at the base.

I am sooooooo f'n pissed right now I feel like tanking the whole pepper thing! Damn.
Damn! That f'in sux so bad. I wouldn't give it up though, if i were in your shoes i'd probably order some plants...
Keep your chin up Petey, mother nature is a bitch. Your plants will take a beating when they first go outside. They will lose that dark green look and adjust to outside life. All the leaves that are damaged will fall off when they grow some more. This is the toughest time of year for my plants and I can't do a thing about it except get a greenhouse.
chiles are amazingly resilient...they'll likely live. Consider, they mostly all come from S.A. where monsoon rains and worse are common.
Dam... Your title made me Cringe..."-(

Here in Colorado we are in Hail Alley, more Hail falls in this three state region then any where in the world...

I've watched my crop mowed down right in front of me with 1" Hail more the once..."-(

I feel your Pain and I have two words... Shade Cloth...!

From another post I made...

I use shade cloth over my raised beds in the full sun to protect from the blazing noon day sun, then the pounding Hail that is soon to follow. The shade is the size of the bed ( 4' x 8' ) and is bungeed to a 1" conduit frame like a bambini top (sp?) on a boat, allows morning and late afternoon direct sun on the plants but reduces the high noon sun...

Here are a few links of interest...



Like the guy's say, keep your chin up and what don't kill ya make's you stronger...
Hang in there Petey, peppers are resilient they will probably come out of it and surprise you. DON'T give up! These things happen, that's the chance you take when you plant any seeds. It's worth it all so keep on with them.
Yup, if ther's a stalk left with green on it, they prolly can survive. :D

My Dorset was literally just a stem 3" high at one point, now it's growing like a weed again.

Chiles are tuff.
That sucks PP. Good luck nursing them back to health. If all else fails Cross Country Nurseries is a little over an hour drive from you.
Sorry Petey, but they'll grow back - trust me. Sometimes even stronger than before. Plus, peppers that have been stressed make the hottest pods!
hate to hear that Petey...keep your chin up....they will bounce back...it will jsut delay you a little bit...

about your serrano...if it is not damaged to badly, why don't you try rooting it...

Sorry to hear about your setback. At least you have some spares which shows you were thinking ahead. Sometimes sh+t like this happens to us and this time it was just your turn. I agree those that survive the holocaust will indeed be your finest peppers.......

Don't despair.
AlabamaJack said:
hate to hear that Petey...keep your chin up....they will bounce back...it will jsut delay you a little bit...

about your serrano...if it is not damaged to badly, why don't you try rooting it...

Yeah, just flat out sucks with all the effort and everything...and the J. Hot Choc. was simply beautiful! I thought about taking a cutting from the Serrano but was soooo pissed that I grab all the branches and crushed them into a ball...can always buy one of those from the Home Depot though but not the same as growing from seed.

Bob_B said:

Sorry to hear about your setback. At least you have some spares which shows you were thinking ahead. Sometimes sh+t like this happens to us and this time it was just your turn. I agree those that survive the holocaust will indeed be your finest peppers.......

Don't despair.

Thanks for the words of encouragement, man. I am doing better today and yes, thankfully I have some undamaged nice ones remaining....but that Hot Choc was sooooo:(

patrick said:
Bummer Petey. Don't let this beat you man, your peppers will bounce back with a vengeance.

Patrick, man, you are the eternal optimist! I dig it! Still got a killer fatalii sitting in the window....bring it baby:P!