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some pics I took


look how the naga plant has different looking peppers all on the same plant..



The half ripened habs look funny - good pics! Just wondering: Is the brownish Peter Pepper sick or ripening or...?
Looks like you have a Peter Pepper that has been out carousing and caught something --

Nice pics -- On my Naga no 2 are alike either I picked a Datil this morning that looked like a Datil Peter :lol:
Chiliac said:
The half ripened habs look funny - good pics! Just wondering: Is the brownish Peter Pepper sick or ripening or...?

I think it is sick...

they have ben that size for almost a month and only 1 has turned red???

may be rotton
Don't worry if they take long to ripen and remain green for a month, even my small Bird's Eye pods took longer than a month to begin (!) to ripen. As long as the plants look healthy and are loaded with pods there is no need to worry.

Is the brown pod firm to the touch or does it feel soft and rotting? I'd pluck it off if the latter is the case.
shayneyasinski said:
the brown peter pepper was pulled and it turnes out to be fine ...

Maybe this one pod will be the foundation for a new variety, like Chocolate Peter Pepper or whatever....
cross the chocolate peter pepper with a big jim now and you will have a goodun'