Some Pod piccies

Micca302 said:
Still havn't found that elusive Pepper there

Hey Micca, the pepper you talk of is called XELA, no sh!te it exists. :)

"The Merciless Pepper of Quetzalacatenango, also known as the Guatemalan Insanity Pepper is a type of pepper that are seen during the episode "El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer (The Mysterious Voyage of Our Homer)". Homer samples many different chilis proudly served by Springfield residents at the annual chili cook-off. Chief Wiggum prepares an especially spicy concoction for Homer containing, "The merciless peppers of Quetzalacatenango… grown deep in the jungle primeval by the inmates of a Guatemalan insane asylum." "Quetzal" is a Central American bird and the currency of Guatemala. "Tenango" means in quiché "land of". Acatenango is a volcano in Guatemala. "Quetzalacatenango", also known as "Xela", is the second largest city in Guatemala. "Quetzalcoatl" was an Aztec deity."
Hey Rene,
nice to hear from you and thanks for your comments.
It has been another bad year unfortunately, but you get that. Just lucky to have some Pods forming.

Hope everything is going well over in Copenhagen, you should have a few sprouts happening by now.
Did you manage to rent your greenhouse this season?
I’ll drop you a line soon Mate.

Nice work buddy:cool:. Now has anyone any got spare
Micca302 said:
Cheers everyone for the great comments.

It is definately saddening to get poor crops but suppose it's better than nothin. Luckily I don't eat truckloads:lol:. Got the opposite to cold weather and had flower/Pod drop when we got 41 Deg.C heat over here. Hope you go well with yours this season:cool:

Hey Scorp, You know me I like the unusual;). The Grif 9281 is from Costa Rica and is very hairy for a Chinense.

Will post some more soon.

Nope. This season is out of hand as I am away in India and would be back End April and would not have enough time for a crop.
My friend in Ohio has sown 72 plants for me.
(Worth dying for for such a good friend)

Next year should be a great one.
