hmm, I will have to put that on my list of seeds to grab when I do some trading this summer/fall for next year lol, never even heard of the Yellow Bouquet, pretty cool
and that is very interesting about that being the Douglah, I've always heard of bad reviews for the taste, but it's got a really cool flavor! and it definitely burns quite a bit, I wasn't sure if, when I had it later again, if my mouth was just a little raw from getting my teeth cleaned or not, then realized it was my tongue where I put the powder that was hurting, so it was all from the powder burn lol
and yeah I really like the look of the chocolate peppers, I've only had a chocolate hab cross from baker's peppers, which I'm not sure what it was crossed with but it was a blend of red/super dark purpleish kind of, but I can't wait for my chocolate bhuts (which are growing crazy fast right now, but still a ways away from pods) and more importantly, the chocolate scorpion plants I was able to get, those should be really cool, and the Jamaican Hot chocolate and those as well, just can't wait for the weather to warm up.. another 3 weeks about and I can get them outside to harden off!
but until then, I will be devouring the powders haha, put a little too much House Favorite into some leak and potato soup tonight, and after having a bunch of the yummy yellow and some 7s powder on some hot dogs, my throat was nice and raw haha, and now my stomach has that nice
bubbly heat to it, but man was it good! I'm sure you will be getting a few orders from my friends once I share some, since I will only be giving them a taste, they will have to get their own