hybrids someone to do crosses for me, will pay if need be.

Hi all I have been looking for some crosses that I want to grow and maybe have some of them crossed with some other crosses, I can't do the crosses myself as I have shaky hands that keep me from making crosses with out breaking the buds off. I have tried several times in the past with no luck.
First off I don't have the seeds, so I will buy them if need be, also I don't have any of the crosses so I'm hoping that maybe some one here might already have some of the crosses I'm looking for.
Here is a list of the crosses I want,
1. Dulce  Marron  X Pasilla Bajio
2. Aji Panca X Pimenta da Neyde
3, Reaper X chocolate Bhut jolokia
4.  Black Naga X Pimenta da Neyde
5. Spikes X HP22B selected
6. Yellow Primo X C. Reaper
7.  Goronong X Pimenta da Neyde  
8. Cheiro Roxa X fish pepper
9. Pimenta da Neyda X Fish Pepper
This list is a little long I'm mainly hoping that some one has crossed at least a few of them as it would cut some of the breeding time off. eventually I want to interbreed most of these together.
Now comes a short list of pepper seeds I'm looking for, as stated I will be more than happy to pay for the seeds I just need about 5 seeds of each pepper.
1. Aji Santa Cruz ( C. baccatum )
2. Ethiopian Brown (C. annuum )
3. Black Thai (C. annuum)
4. CP 266 Ovetti - Yellow Cayenne type (C. annuum)
5.Murupi Yellow ( C. Chinense)
5. Yellow Moruga
6.Thai Prik Mon Dum
Any help with these pepper seeds will really help me out.
You can PM me here. Oh yes CP stands for Chris Phillips, I hope I spelled his last name right.
In my next season I will have some of those crosses however some of the parent plants are currently growing so its still about 6 months off before I start crossing and another  3 before I get seeds.. So by Christmas Ill have several of those seeds in F1..
Feel free to watch my Glog to see when I start creating these ..
I plan on doing some crossing this summer just for fun and can try a couple of these. As long as everything goes right I can try doing Reaper x Choc Bhut and PDN x Fish.
Also if you don't find seeds for Murupi before harvest time I can send you some as well as possibly some pods. Again as long as everything goes as planned. I've got 3 Murupi going and the seeds came from pods Chris sent me so I'm sure they'll grow true.
I have a few yellow morugas going... do you just want saved seeds from a self-pollinated plant?
Also, I could maybe try the reaper x choco bhut.... which way do you think the cross would be more awesome... choco bhut mother and reaper father... or reaper mother and choco bhut father?
I won't need the seeds till next season, so their is plenty of time Kraken, what ever you can get me will be fine.
Scorched the Reaper X chocolate Bhut and the PDN X Fish will be great,  if I can get a few seeds of them. 
If Noah doesn't mind I will ask for a Choco Bhut X Reaper so that I can compare the two crosses to see which might give me the right gene mix I'm looking for when I grow them out next season.  I might even see about doing back cross.
What I'm looking for in the long run is to make a long snaky purple/brown spiky, bumpy and  twisted pepper that ripens to a very deep brown/black pepper that is scary looking with lots of flavor and blazing hot that's why I'm looking for the Yellow or brown moruga and reaper along with the  choco bhut and the rest for color, flavor and interesting genes .
Noah I think that the choco bhut as the farther and the Reaper as the mother would make a great pepper cross  also a cross with the reaper x choco bhut might be a great mix also  I think a 4 way back cross of them might turn into a great mix.  
What ever you decide will be fine with me. this year is going to be a small garden year as I was very sick this winter and so far none of my rare wilds have popped, so most of what I have is peppers that I overwintered and a few that I started late and may not get a much of a harvest this year, so I want to grow some interesting crosses next season. I think The PDN and Fish pepper would make a interesting cross also. I threw in some mild crosses that I think would make some interesting peppers if I can get them as not all of my family is pepper crazy like I am.  There is a Post about a pepper called Candlelight that is really wild,  I'm hoping to get some seed of it when they become available. Like I said if any of you would like some cash for the seeds please let me know after all I can't do the crossing, so I feel your time and effort is worth something. Noah those are some nice pods, I really need to have self pollinated seeds  so that I know what genes are from what plant, but I will take what ever you are able to provide me. Pepper grow is a lot of fun and crossing them can lead to some very interesting peppers.
Noah Yates said:
I have a few yellow morugas going... do you just want saved seeds from a self-pollinated plant?
Also, I could maybe try the reaper x choco bhut.... which way do you think the cross would be more awesome... choco bhut mother and reaper father... or reaper mother and choco bhut father?
Genetically any parent can be the mother or father for a cross and should be identical in resulting seeds.. Keeping that in mind I usually choose the mother plant that has the most seeds per pod (for lots of F1 seed), quickest growing pod (lock that cross in quicker) or the one with the most unique shaped foliage (so you can tell if the cross took early in the grow rather than waiting for pods to form).
After growing a reaper cross that unfortunately grew exceptionally small  and getting a MASSIVE one seed out of it .... I decided to go the other way on the mix and got a much more reliable 12 seeds lol..
*** And after going through this process a lot recently... I have found that as a general rule your cross pods tend to develop smaller... Not always, but I have had a vastly smaller pod in most circumstances..
I have not grown a reaper yet so I don't know how large or small the pods can get, I would think that crossing it with a Chocolate Ghost would give it the best of both plants especially if you select the best plant with the best phenol type pods, pods that just had one seed might not carry what you are looking for in the next generation and it would take longer to grow out enough plants to find what you might be looking for in the cross. 
wildseed57 said:
I have not grown a reaper yet so I don't know how large or small the pods can get, I would think that crossing it with a Chocolate Ghost would give it the best of both plants especially if you select the best plant with the best phenol type pods, pods that just had one seed might not carry what you are looking for in the next generation and it would take longer to grow out enough plants to find what you might be looking for in the cross. 
I find reaper pods to generally have less seeds on average to other pods of a similar size so I'd go the ghost.
Remembering that if your selecting stable varieties the resulting seeds you sow should all be the same so wether it's 1 or 20 they should be the same, however the resulting seeds from those plants is where you get your variety of phenos from.. I'd be happy with 1 seed so long as it gre large and strong to give me good seed quantitys..

However if pods aren't stable having more F1 seed could be important because you could potentially loose an important trait forever that you want to carry over .. Eg. Bumpy pods
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I'll definitely give those two I listed a shot.
I'd like to get my hands on some mutant candlelight seeds as well. Interesting looking plant. 
Yeah I looked at the mutant candlelight pepper and thought it was very unusual. I wonder if it is a natural mutant or a intentional  mutant, either way its a nice plant.
I just want to clarify that I "might probably" do the reaper x choco chut cross... I dont want you to be depending on me, but at the same time I do want to do a little pepper breeding for the first time this season.  So if I do try this cross, I will hook you up with some seeds. :cool: