Something eating my pepper plants

I have recently expanded my hot pepper garden from 6 to 40 plants, I have tried bayer natria insecticidal soap with no results I have some photos that may help in identifying the suspect any and all help is greatly appreciated



I did see a moth looking pest the other day I will make sure I hit the underside of the leaves better next time or is neem oil a better alternative than using Bayer Natria for health terms of the plant and insect killing potency.
It is getting quite frustrating at this point I was opposed to using Sevindust at the beginning because I would like to do everything natural but I dont know at this point.
maybe try ladybugs. hard to tell from the pic. i think i see at least one aphid pic 2 backround leaf. i'm guessing the black ones are gnats. the leaf holes in pic 3 likely snail. if you recently used the pesticide it will prolly kill ladybugs though. no experience with bayer, i would try a pyrethrin based pesticide half strength. although organic its tuff stuff (not good for the fishes.) i just learned a new one for snail. check out Nice fat manzano bush thread by cayennemist towards end.
p.s. i'm no expert but i hope this helps. and your not alone i just noticed whiteflies yesterday and thrips today. LITTLE BASTARDS!
Noah Yates said:
Looks kind of like scale.
yep - it's scale. I had a store bought chilli with scale this year, the problem with scale is that even when they're dead, the dead scale is still there on the plant. So you have no idea if you've got rid of them or not! 
I'd certainly spend some time picking them off by hand right now to reduce the numbers.
Also... ants farm scale, because they like to eat the sticky  "honey due"  excretions they make.  So any ant colonies in the area could contribute to the problem.
I'm sure I will be able to save majority of my plants I will try some pyrethrin if I can find it
Bonide brand pyrethin is the only one I can seem to find
Agree - scale and maybe also aphids (hard to see the blurry pic.) Also looks like you've got some yellowing from overwatering. Nice setup there, btw. 
not sure about chain or box stores. but any nursery worth its salt should have it and hydro shops if your area has them.
Now I don't want to use sevin dust on my plants but as you can see I made a marble chip border what if I lined sevin dust around it would that help with a barrier to deter some insects?
Woke up to this today I picked all the remaining scale off and the bayer natria is a fatty acid based treatment I will also sprinkle sevindust around the garden but not in the planters
All the scale seems to be gone but the pepper leaves are still getting eaten especially on the pepper plants with bug round leaves such as the one pictured above all my cayenne habanero and extremely hot peppers are fine.
Gymped said:
All the scale seems to be gone but the pepper leaves are still getting eaten especially on the pepper plants with bug round leaves such as the one pictured above all my cayenne habanero and extremely hot peppers are fine.
Those are the juiciest leaves, I'd eat them too if I was a caterpillar! (not necessarily a caterpillar) you can almost see the bite marks! Whatever it is he's hiding somewhere very near. They don't travel far. Look on the underside of leaves, on the stalk, or under the rim of those pots. They'll hide till it's cool then start chompin away.
If I were to rub seven on the outside of the containers but not in the planters themselves do you feel that it would harm the integrity of my plants being organic long term? Yah I found a little grey catapillar looking thing last night on one that was about 1 cm long it was grey with a little line across its length. No scales no aphids. Also should I really be worrid about this demise of my plants if it isnt more than just this happening to them im almost going OCD along with my girlfriend in attempting to make sure our garden succeeds.
last night I found a caterpillar or two both less than 1 inch very small that were black to gray with a red line down their back
so I just skipped all of the pesticides just lined my rock border with some sevndust but nothing on or close to plants, Still some leaves were getting eaten but I think they are all growing at such a rate that they cant be stopped. Lets hope the worst is over!