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Somethings eating my pods



Need a bit of help to combat this. I have 110+ plants in the backyard with loads of chilies.
Are we sure that isn't Blossom End Rot?  What type of media are they planted in?  Have you given them any calcium supplementation? 
Berger bm7, bat guano, glacial rock dust, azomite, worm castings, mushroom compost, organic compost, coconut coir. I spray all of my plants twice a week with compost tea and I do not over water. This happened within the past 24 hours.
rats....just thinking about similar happenings at my place over the past several years....rats will eat the hell out of ripe peppers...notice the shape of the bite on the very top pod in the photo
just saw you are in Dallas....howdy neighbor
sorry folks, blossum end rot does NOT cause that damage...I'm telling you it is rats or mice...probably rats judging from the size of the bite out of the pepper....
I have to agree with AJ, they definitely look like something has chewed on them and taken bites out in places. Blossom end rot usually leaves sunken dark areas whereas those chiles have been chomped on and pieces are missing. No idea what is eating them but looks to be an animal and not insect just by the way it looks like bites are taken out of some
  Have you checked for tomato hornworms? I found one on a plant today. I had several peppers with the end completely eaten.
bump...just curious if you found the culprit...
I have found a lot of lime green caterpillars and ants that swarm the flowers on my chili plants. The situation has since calmed down. I have not noticed any more eaten pods in the past few days.
good deal
Do you have those big grasshoppers in your yard? If so, that's your problem. 
rats and mice are mammals, and should be repelled by hot peppers. I'm not calling anybody a liar if they actually saw a rat eating a pod, but I wouldn't suspect rodents first. Grasshopper poop looks just like mouse poop.
I have had the opportunity to watch grasshoppers eating super hot pods and they leave the exact damage pictured. Still haven't figured out how to stop them though
we can agree to disagree sir....did you by any chance look at my link?
Yep Ive had Rats, mice, and I'm guessing a squirrel eat mine. Caught too many Rats in traps to count over the last few years.
They eat the stalks and leaves too.