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this is my white bullet habanero, all other plants doing great! but this one the new leaf growth is very small and shrivelly if thats a word, i'm thinking i might have over fertilized this one but wondering if theyre is something i can do to get the new leaves nice and big again.
theyre were some but not many on this plant at all. none now for sure, they dont look like they were attack just weird growth.
Leaf Cupping is a sign of magnesium/calcium deficiency. They are also very bumpy, also a sign of Calcium deficiency, and the color of the new growth is way too yellow.
Noshownate said:
what should i try richK

Get some dolomite lime (Has Magnesium and Calcium), it's really cheap... then sprinkle some around the base of the plant, like no more than a Tablespoon.

Then water, if your dolomite is water soluable, you can disolve it in water first then water.

Also, get some epsom salt (Magnesium), and with 1 Tbsp in a gallon of water, spray the leaves, tops and bottoms in the morning or at night.
i dont like this problem i still havent tried whAt rich said but its not getting better just worse so gnna give it a whirl
Noshownate said:
where can i get dolomite. cant seem to find it.

I got mine at Wal-mart, in the garden center, near the bags of grass seed or other lawn care products.

Ask somebody working in the garden care area, if they dont have any try a home depot or similar place.

It's dirt cheap too, I got a 10lbs bag for $4 and I cant see that running out for a few years or so.
i found that of all of mine, the White Hab is all shrivelled up, but they're still growing large. I believe that over fertizlizing and over watering can do that to the new growth. I don't have the technical experience that the others have, but I've always been afraid of fertilizers.
Noshownate said:
cant find dolomite

In the mean time disolve some epsom salt (few teaspoons) in some milk, and pour that into the pot. Milk should give some calcium but I dont know if it will be enough.
srin2 said:
i have similar problem.

All the tips of the plant is like that.

I was having a problem that was similar. It turned out to be little spiders (not spider mites) turning the leaves into there homes. I hate to move the spiders out because they're beneficial for the most part. But when they impede the growth of new leaves they must be evicted.
noshow what you have is dolomite lime, it just gets called different names at different places. I just went through the same search and had to start reading bags for lime that had calcuim and magnesiium.