• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spankyscolts 2012 GLOG

Well here it is against my better judgement my first ever grow log. I have no green thumb genius, no botany brilliance, and am doing this solely for your amusement. This is not a treatise on pepper perfection but rather, in all likelyhood a pretty detailed journal of what not to do. There will be mishaps, things that defy good sense, and sadly even deaths. In the end however irregardless of your pepper growing skill level, if you check in on my glog from time to time you will undoubtedly go away with a much higher view of your own growing ability. So with the proper expectations set let's get started just remember under no circumstances should you try anything you see here at home.

First off our selection started off with all the super and extremely hots 36 varities from multiple venders including some good folks here at THP. Will have another couple of trays of the medium hots and the other things required for my salsa in about 4 weeks., which will give me an additional 5-6 varities.


Then the equipment a couple of 2 tray mats with thermostat, 4 72 cell trays with domes, a whole grip of rapid rooter style plugs and the table my blue eyed wife put together


First thing was to soak the seeds in a germination solution I got from the Chilli Seed Co in the UK and distilled water for 12 plus hours in Dixie cups


Then the work began after soaking the plugs in distilled water I seeded the plugs and filled the trays. I have a corresponding sheet for each tray to identfy what is what in the cells. I assigned each variety a number for ease of identification throughout the grow. When the same variety had multiple venders I added the letter A, B etc., depending on my supply of seeds some plugs got 2 seeds while others only 1. Those with 2 in the plugs where marked with an x on the sheet. I figured this gave me the greatest chance of ending up with what I wanted to have in the end.


In the end there is 4 72 cell trays filled for a grand total of 288 starts. They were placed on the heat mats with the temp set at 86 degrees. At this point I have decided not to fill the tray underneath with water, that may change. I am misting the plugs with a spray bottle of distilled water.


Well there you have it, the start of my first season. Thanks to all who provided seeds and offered your input not to mention put up with all my questions .. lol
Hey, Robin! Your grow looks just great! Glad to hear that you are happy with your results.
Keep me posted in case you need some help getting into those 5 gallons etc.

Welcome to page 6 : )
Hey, Robin! Your grow looks just great! Glad to hear that you are happy with your results.
Keep me posted in case you need some help getting into those 5 gallons etc.

Welcome to page 6 : )

Paul Thanks !! You got a deal on the transplanting. What do you know about greenhouses?
Paul Thanks !! You got a deal on the transplanting. What do you know about greenhouses?

Probably just enough to be dangerous! But what little
knowledge I have is at your disposal!
I had a little more leaf curl on a few varieties. My red and chocolate habs seemed to be the most picky about things and curled the most???

Thanks Shane .. interesting it seems I always get leaf curl on Hab's more than others as well. Man sounds like you got a nice spread there my friend got any use for a pepper lovin southern boy ? Lol

Probably just enough to be dangerous! But what little
knowledge I have is at your disposal!

Got to buy some plastic should I get clear or the 55% which isn't as clear? And can I grow peppers in a greenhouse in summer without a vent fan?
Don't have much of a spread...yet, but I will one day! I would like to do a 10000 plant in ground grow one year...gonna be a while before I get to that point though. If I ever get to that point I will definitely need some help...probably the mental kind.
Got to buy some plastic should I get clear or the 55% which isn't as clear? And can I grow peppers in a greenhouse in summer without a vent fan?

My greenhouse has polycarb panels which started out clear. Now they are weathered
and not so clear. I have seen commercial greenhouses with the 55% plastic on them, as
well. In the summer, even here, it is too hot unless you have good ventilation. I forgot to
open up my greenhouse one summer day, and it got to 141F on my thermometer!
Fortunately everything was out by then!

Today we had a 52F degree day, but the greenhouse got up to 77 with a few sunbreaks.
You can see that a warm sunny day would send the temp through the roof. If I leave the
door and both windows open, it does okay, but it is a small unit with not much air to change out.
Even a box fan might be okay for keeping a larger house cool. Short story, you need some
kind of ventilation.

We can talk more about this and what your ideas are if you like.

Don't have much of a spread...yet, but I will one day! I would like to do a 10000 plant in ground grow one year...gonna be a while before I get to that point though. If I ever get to that point I will definitely need some help...probably the mental kind.

I took a psychology course.
Hey everyone just getting around to an update, I have been extremely busy and haven't been able to update as often as I would like. Saturday I transplanted about 60 medium hots and a handful of Carmen starts which is a sweet pepper hybird.
Here's a pic of them just as they were placed under the light along with a tray and half of Brain Strains that have rallied since being sunburnt.


Here's a better look at the tray of Brain Strains that got burnt, they have turned around quite nicely


Our intent is to sell about half of these plants to fund the last leg of the project, I put an ad on Craigslist and was pretty stoked today to get our first sale. Got a six-pack of hotties headin out to Calif. Made my way out to the grow room and the plants there have exploded. They have taken over the room lol ! Here are some pics





Here's the long table


So everything is doing better than I could of hoped for, almost too good. We placed a order for 300 gallon pots today. We had hopes to keep them in their current pots longer and perhaps even skip the gallon pot up but clearly it's not possible. I'm in the middle of a job change so time is at a premium. I'm hoping to go pick up a yard of mix and pot these up no later than 2 weeks then begin the hardening process. Meanwhile we still have a greenhouse to throw up but it's gotta wait til the funds are available. Hoping to get it step up to the point that it can be used to harden off the plants in a few weeks. Well that's really it for the update, do far things are good. I know that only do many pics can be posted in a topic do I'll start another after this to post some pics of our older plants that have come back from the dead.
Great looking plants!!! Nice job thus far! I really don't think they could be doing any better! Can't wait to see what they do for you through the season! You planning to try to overwinter a bunch as well?
Great looking plants!!! Nice job thus far! I really don't think they could be doing any better! Can't wait to see what they do for you through the season! You planning to try to overwinter a bunch as well?

Thanks ! Yea planning on overwintering 1 of each varity. I don't have a lot of experience with it but that's the plan. How's your grow going? I've been so busy that I've not been able to check out the other Glogs as much as I would like. Thess peppers have kept me hopping.

We had some plants that were started on Dec that have been used in various experiments well several weeks ago that got to much sun and to compound that I didn't know they were getting too much sun and sprayed them for mites. Well it was too much for them already stressed and burnt then sprayed ... thought I had killed them. Once back in the room we weren't able to give them full light but rather they sat on the floor between the tables seen here in this pic.


As shared before in the Glog a couple of these plants were transplanted into some bulk soil I was thinking about buying well its hard and heavy so today we uprooted the plants potted in it and knocked as much dirt off the roots as possible and safe and reported them into a 50/50 mix of OF and HF. I was amazed at how these plants have turned around. If you look back at some earlier pics you'll see they did not look well and I did not expect much from them in fact was ready to chalk them up to a lesson learned. So here they are back from the dead.





There are a few more that have not come around as well but we are rotating them into the spot that gets the most light to see if we can get the same results . These were water through with Calmag and it seemed to help a great deal. Will keep you guys posted on their progress. Well now it really is it that's the update I'll try and post a little sooner next time. Thanks again for stopping by.
Hey. Great looking glog and a good read. I noticed I have the same exact T5 as you and was wondering how high above the plants have you been keeping it?
Hey. Great looking glog and a good read. I noticed I have the same exact T5 as you and was wondering how high above the plants have you been keeping it?

Jamison thanks for stopping by and your kind words . I keep the lights about 8-9 inches over the top of the plants. I have tried different heights but that seems to work best but a few inches either way won't hurt. How many plants you have growing ?
I have 30 going right now. I usually keep the light 3-5 inches away. I think that could be the reason why some of my veins are turning purple. I think I will raise the light just by looking at your phenomenal plants.
I have 30 going right now. I usually keep the light 3-5 inches away. I think that could be the reason why some of my veins are turning purple. I think I will raise the light just by looking at your phenomenal plants.

Thanks what kind of light do you have ? Is it a T5 if so what kind of bulbs mine are 6500 k

I have 30 going right now. I usually keep the light 3-5 inches away. I think that could be the reason why some of my veins are turning purple. I think I will raise the light just by looking at your phenomenal plants.

Thanks what kind of light do you have ? Is it a T5 if so what kind of bulbs mine are 6500 k
Mine are doing well for the most part...in spite of all the pests, hail and being water logged from the rain, thanks for asking! Will be a constant battle with the aphids and mites this year. Reverted back to chemical warfare on them. Only using Neem for now, but will go harsher if that doesn't work. Going to spray 2x weekly for a couple weeks then cut back to Sunday evenings after my weekly harvests. All my annuums are producing well and my chinenses, baccatums and pubescense are just starting to get some open flowers so it won't be long. Some of my worst hit plants got dug up, repotted and pruned pretty hard. I put my backups in the ground and I am going to sell off the plants that recover.

Your recovery plants look fantastic! If I had enough room I would start all mine in November...hope to have a legit greenhouse for next season and overwinter everything I can so I don't have to start too much.

Keep up the good work!
Things are looking great Robin! Hope you don't mind if I follow the growth of the SB7J with ya!

Hi Patrick ! Well you asked so here she is


Mine are doing well for the most part...in spite of all the pests, hail and being water logged from the rain, thanks for asking! Will be a constant battle with the aphids and mites this year. Reverted back to chemical warfare on them. Only using Neem for now, but will go harsher if that doesn't work. Going to spray 2x weekly for a couple weeks then cut back to Sunday evenings after my weekly harvests. All my annuums are producing well and my chinenses, baccatums and pubescense are just starting to get some open flowers so it won't be long. Some of my worst hit plants got dug up, repotted and pruned pretty hard. I put my backups in the ground and I am going to sell off the plants that recover.

Your recovery plants look fantastic! If I had enough room I would start all mine in November...hope to have a legit greenhouse for next season and overwinter everything I can so I don't have to start too much.

Keep up the good work!

Amen on the greenhouse that's in the works for us as well. Right now we need time the time to pot up as we can't keep up with the water needs they are going dry every other day it seems ! Can't pot up for 10 days as we simply won't have time until then.
, Nice plants Robin,
When you get the rest potted up into 1 gal containers they will start to grow like crazy!

Thanks what kind of light do you have ? Is it a T5 if so what kind of bulbs mine are 6500 k

Thanks what kind of light do you have ? Is it a T5 if so what kind of bulbs mine are 6500 k

Yup it's a T5. I also have the 6500 k. I raised it up the other night and things look way better already and no stretching is what I was afraid of. I hate leggy looking plants. Like always things are looking great for you!
She's beautiful Robin, thanks. The rest of your plants are looking absolutely perfect. Great color, leaf size, stems are looking very strong, not a lot of space between nodes. Like I said perfect. Wonderful job you and your partner are doing.
Yup it's a T5. I also have the 6500 k. I raised it up the other night and things look way better already and no stretching is what I was afraid of. I hate leggy looking plants. Like always things are looking great for you!

That's great news ! Glad its working for you. I don't like leggy plants either but I haven't seen that with the lights being that high.

She's beautiful Robin, thanks. The rest of your plants are looking absolutely perfect. Great color, leaf size, stems are looking very strong, not a lot of space between nodes. Like I said perfect. Wonderful job you and your partner are doing.

Thanks but it's largely because of the help we got from people on this site that lead to our success so far. Last night we turned the heater off trying to slow them down lol. We can't pot up for another 11 days ( thanks Paul ) and they are running amuck! Kind of worried once they are in gallons we won't have room under the light.

, Nice plants Robin,
When you get the rest potted up into 1 gal containers they will start to grow like crazy!


Thanks Greg they are out of control lol. Next is 1 gallon containers then the dreaded hardening off process which has me very apprehensive ! Thanks for all your input I use your nute process almost to the T it is great !!