• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Spankyscolts 2012 GLOG

Well here it is against my better judgement my first ever grow log. I have no green thumb genius, no botany brilliance, and am doing this solely for your amusement. This is not a treatise on pepper perfection but rather, in all likelyhood a pretty detailed journal of what not to do. There will be mishaps, things that defy good sense, and sadly even deaths. In the end however irregardless of your pepper growing skill level, if you check in on my glog from time to time you will undoubtedly go away with a much higher view of your own growing ability. So with the proper expectations set let's get started just remember under no circumstances should you try anything you see here at home.

First off our selection started off with all the super and extremely hots 36 varities from multiple venders including some good folks here at THP. Will have another couple of trays of the medium hots and the other things required for my salsa in about 4 weeks., which will give me an additional 5-6 varities.


Then the equipment a couple of 2 tray mats with thermostat, 4 72 cell trays with domes, a whole grip of rapid rooter style plugs and the table my blue eyed wife put together


First thing was to soak the seeds in a germination solution I got from the Chilli Seed Co in the UK and distilled water for 12 plus hours in Dixie cups


Then the work began after soaking the plugs in distilled water I seeded the plugs and filled the trays. I have a corresponding sheet for each tray to identfy what is what in the cells. I assigned each variety a number for ease of identification throughout the grow. When the same variety had multiple venders I added the letter A, B etc., depending on my supply of seeds some plugs got 2 seeds while others only 1. Those with 2 in the plugs where marked with an x on the sheet. I figured this gave me the greatest chance of ending up with what I wanted to have in the end.


In the end there is 4 72 cell trays filled for a grand total of 288 starts. They were placed on the heat mats with the temp set at 86 degrees. At this point I have decided not to fill the tray underneath with water, that may change. I am misting the plugs with a spray bottle of distilled water.


Well there you have it, the start of my first season. Thanks to all who provided seeds and offered your input not to mention put up with all my questions .. lol
Well folks though I'd give a quick update. Well due to busy lives we just got around to potting into gallon pots today, the problem is that the plants needed to be potted up two weeks ago, they did not look good. Hopefully gallon pots and fresh soil with bing them back around. We used a 50/50 mix of Happy Frog and Ocean Forest with 10 % big chunk perlite and added oyster shell. We potted up about 275 plants and due to space issues we will begin the hardening off process now. We erected a carport frame with its cover and placed all plants under it, they will stay there day and night and after a few days we will figure out an easy way to give them sun in increasing increments without having to move the plants. Here are a couple of pics .


Here's the same pic from the opposite end


Here's a pic of the carport frame


After a few days to get used to being outside, and adjusting to to the pot up we will figure out how to get them some sun. I want to give a shout out to Paul of THP who was good enough to come over and help us with the transplant.Thanks againPaul!
You were a great help and a pleasure to get to know. Well that's the update for now. We had to cull out 30 - 40 plants today because we had too many. Instead of plucking them we just set them outside in their little pots. We will watch how they do on the transition and perhaps learn something. Well until next time .
They're looking great in spite of being in small shoes! I'm sure the root balls were bricks! Standby for growth explosion! Great job on the pot up! Going to be a banner year.

They're looking great in spite of being in small shoes! I'm sure the root balls were bricks! Standby for growth explosion! Great job on the pot up! Going to be a banner year.


Yea thanks Shane many of them looked a little rough, soft or leaning steams, some edema, some in the middle of the trays that were dwarfed by other plants were spindly had few leaves, some were quite puckered. I'm hoping the pot up is just what the Doctor ordered.
So, sometimes you stumble upon a real gem. I know the feeling of spending too much time in the garden and trying to keep up cruizin the logs to talk with your fellow growers. After going through all 7 pages, I can't believe that I missed this one!

Your progress has been great! I know it can be frustrating wondering where you are gonna put all the plants, but that is such a better problem to have than wondering why none of your plants are growing! I also had a few issues with soil, and once I changed it up, the results were almost immediate! I am happy you were able to get one of those SB7Js to pop up, I ended up going 0/10 on mine. I think that they are just a bit touchy, and it is definitely tough usin those plugs. Do you plan on using the plugs again next year? I think I am gonna go with straight soil, since I ended up screwin the pooch with my plugs.

Good luck with the sales and I can't wait to see your monsters explode in those gallon pots!

So, sometimes you stumble upon a real gem. I know the feeling of spending too much time in the garden and trying to keep up cruizin the logs to talk with your fellow growers. After going through all 7 pages, I can't believe that I missed this one!

Your progress has been great! I know it can be frustrating wondering where you are gonna put all the plants, but that is such a better problem to have than wondering why none of your plants are growing! I also had a few issues with soil, and once I changed it up, the results were almost immediate! I am happy you were able to get one of those SB7Js to pop up, I ended up going 0/10 on mine. I think that they are just a bit touchy, and it is definitely tough usin those plugs. Do you plan on using the plugs again next year? I think I am gonna go with straight soil, since I ended up screwin the pooch with my plugs.

Good luck with the sales and I can't wait to see your monsters explode in those gallon pots!


Matt WOW thank you for your kind words. Next year I going to scale back a bit unless sales go really well but yea think I will use soil next year. The thing I like about the plugs is that you can see the seeds pop roots no guessing lol. I hope they do take off in gallon pots they had gone too long in the smaller ones and some weren't looking the greatest and to compound it a little bit we are moving forward with hardening the plants so its a two fer lol. Potted up and straight outside wish us luck.

Hey guys since my last updat was slim on pics I wanted to post a few more. All of our plants are currently at my partners place and will be grown out there. I have a small place and grow a small garden every year do when we potted up last Friday I hand picked a few plants to grow here and today I potted them into gallon pots. I still want to get a 7 Pot Primo to add to these but for now here's what I got.

Here's a Bhut Jolokia


7 Pot Brain Strain


The Infinity


The Naga Viper


And last but certainly not least the Butch T


These will get my personal attention this summer and will he spoiled in 7 gallon pots. I will attempt to update these from time to time.
Things of beauty! Mine still look like they got hit with the ugly stick! I remember when they were inside safe and sound. Perfect temps, perfect light cycle...pest free. Now they have been hit with everything from mites to hail! They are still kicking, but not near as appealing to the eyeballs as yours are! Do them a favor...don't put them out in that terrible world! :rofl:
Things of beauty! Mine still look like they got hit with the ugly stick! I remember when they were inside safe and sound. Perfect temps, perfect light cycle...pest free. Now they have been hit with everything from mites to hail! They are still kicking, but not near as appealing to the eyeballs as yours are! Do them a favor...don't put them out in that terrible world! :rofl:

Too late my friend the indoor lights have been shut down and the plants are outdoors getting used to the freaky Oregon weather, it's 45 degrees outside tonight and raining .. burr ,
It's sink or swim time now lol. Keep up the good fight they'll turn around and to HAIL with dem MITES!!
Lookin amazing Robin! You woulda thought you've done this for years!
We need to catch up soon! Hope everythings goin well for you guys buddy.

Your home garden pot-ups are just dynomite, Robin. Every one looks like a champion. And those gallon pots in the grow out are going to do just great once they settle in. How did they handle the cool wet the last two days? I put all my plants back in the greenhouse while this spell plays out. Anyway, your plants are looking really good, bro - good luck going forward, my friend.
Thanks again Brandon and Paul for the kind words they are sincerely appreciated. I got hooks before I was ready to deal with them so they stayed in a domed tray longer than I would of liked causing them to be a little leggy. I had to move the older plants first to make room, then set up the room. My wife pitched in and all things considered including our budget I think it looks pretty good. We then moved the 4 72 cell domed germinating trays off the grow table onto some lumber set up on the floor. Then we set up 4 empty 72 cell trays w/o dome on the grow table and hung the light. I have a total of 56 young seedlings/hooks that I moved into the same holes in the empty trays as they were in the germinating tray so that the map I made stays true. I mixed a half strength solution of AF 5-1-1 put a shot glass each of Calmag, Superthrive, and Vitastart B-1 w/ root hormones into a large plastic butter dish. As I removed plugs from the domed trays to the empty ones I first dunked them in this solution. I had the light kind of high so I lowered it to about 2 inches after some advice from guys on THP ; )

So now the germinating trays sit on the floor but it'll have to do for now


By the way this thermostat is by far my wisest investment to date, I love this thing!


Then after a dunk in the dilute AF, Calmag, Superthrive, Vitastart they move to the grow table here.


Then lowered it a little to within a few inches of the starts


Then hooked up the light to my new timer ( I love new stuff ) ; )


Here is an overall view of the room sorry about the elipticlal in the way.


I like this so much I am going to steal it for my self..