• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

⌘ Spicegeist 2013 ⌘

Today we were walloped with a snowstorm in Southwest Virginia and since I was taking some pics of the snow I thought I'd also get started with sharing my pepper progress.

My 2013 selection:

C. chinense
Red Bhuts
Yellow Bhuts
Choco Bhuts
TS Morouga Blend
TS Butch T
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Yellow
Choco Hab
Pimenta Morango
Yellow Congo
Pimenta da Neyde
Cumari do Para

C. annuum
Sonoran Chiltepin
Vietnamese Tear Jerker
Peruvian Wild
Armac Chiltepin

C. galapagoense

C. chacoense
CAP 501

C. praetermissum
Cumari Pollux

C. baccatum
Uba Tuba

C. frutescens
Indiana Pequin
Duke Pequin
Donne Sali
Guam Boonie
Aji Chuncho
Piri Piri

C. parvifolium

C. pubescens
Rocoto Inca
Dino Pod

Choco Bhut x Douglah F1
Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut F1
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1
Sonoran Chiltepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore F1
CAP 501 (C. chacoense) x C. chinense F1
Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F1 and F2
Douglah x Butch T
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Cumari Pollux (C. praetermissum) F1
Locato x CGN19198
Florida Wild x C. chinense F1
Duke Pequin x Pimenta da Neyde
Duke Pequin x Bhut
Wiri Wiri x Bhut

Outside today:

Pots for later on:

Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F2... I wasn't counting on purple being so dominant here, will have to pick a few from these to grow out:

Here are some of my 2013 treasures.

I was able to start four C. galapagoenses (they didn't all come up on the same date):




Some special crosses I made in 2011:

Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1:

Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut Jolokia (C. chinense) F1:
Very cool man. I can't even say which ones I like, all those are just awesome.

I stay firm with that tepin X Barrackpore cross tho.

I'll try my luck with crossing this year ( This is my first year BUT I MUST TRY :D)

I'll send you some seed, if you'll be interested in growing them.

, Vegas

It's nice when a cross turns out well, have fun with it... thanks for the offer, but I think after this year I may pass on seeds from my crosses and try to narrow down the list for 2014.

Wow, Charles! Respect!


Growing Great !

It's cool to see different leaf shapes.........next will be the awesome flowers and the chili's to follow...


Yes, they're on their way :party:
Charles, your mad breeding skillz never cease to amaze me....Aji Cristal x Brain Strain...really?

Thought you might want to see your Bonda x Yellow 7 babies...So very robust—I did my best to kill them with copper fungicide, but they refused to submit:

Damn dude...Tepin x Barrackpore?
Talk about lobbin' a Flash Bang, and casually ignoring it! ;)!
Nice bloom pic as well ...2 thumbs up :woohoo:

Haha, that is one of my favorite plants, I've also been pollinating it with some pollen from something else, if those seeds grow, they'll be some real mixed up plants.

Charles, your mad breeding skillz never cease to amaze me....Aji Cristal x Brain Strain...really?

Thought you might want to see your Bonda x Yellow 7 babies...So very robust—I did my best to kill them with copper fungicide, but they refused to submit:


Yeah, I know what you mean, sometimes I can't believe it either, the plants are healthy and robust. If I get enough pods (I might leave them in tiny pots this year) I can send a few your way to try.

Wow, those are going to be great! Nice job.

I think I need you to grow my plants, your Chiltepin Amarillo plants look great as do all the others. Can't wait to see some of the crosses fruit!
Ha, I will definitely be downsizing next year, but thanks. The Chiltepin Amarillo you sent me is on the top left here, I've had more than one plant do that forked leaf thing:

Top row: Chiltepin Amarillo, Chintexle, Chiltepin Amarillo (different source)
Bottom row: Chiltepin Hermosillo, Chiltepin Armac, Chiltepin Guatemala

As always, nice photos of some really interesting peppers, Charles.
If you're a craft brew fan, check out the guys down at Wolf Hills Brewery. They're trying to get some gardening going. I'm gonna maybe get to trade some pepper plants for some growler fills :D. They have live hillbilly music most every night they're open, laid back atmosphere.

+1 on the perlite/squirrel inhibitor. I need to try that for crocus bulbs, I planted a couple of hundred one fall -squirrels ate 'em in less than a week, Not a single bloom.
oh the secrets of breeding... not going to tell Charles then let it be a surprise... :shh:

Yeah, like having a baby, wait until you're really sure before you start talking about it ;)

Thanks, yes, that seems like an intriguing cross to me. Can't say why, but I can almost visualize one of its pods...

No matter what you have to figure with a mother like chiltepin x barrackpore it will be interesting...

As always, nice photos of some really interesting peppers, Charles.
If you're a craft brew fan, check out the guys down at Wolf Hills Brewery. They're trying to get some gardening going. I'm gonna maybe get to trade some pepper plants for some growler fills :D. They have live hillbilly music most every night they're open, laid back atmosphere.

+1 on the perlite/squirrel inhibitor. I need to try that for crocus bulbs, I planted a couple of hundred one fall -squirrels ate 'em in less than a week, Not a single bloom.

Thank you Jesse :cheers: , That place sounds nice but I've been so crazy with my work at grad school, I barely have time to open a can of beer at home ! Apparently squirrels like to eat roots in addition to digging around for nuts :rolleyes:

I dunno how you keep everything you got going on straight!!! HolyXcowF2 SpiceXGeistF1! Podding up on the BPTepin...Those will be some killer pods! Can't wait to hear the taste review!

Ha, you get the hang of it. Last year I mislabeled something or put the seeds in the wrong order in the tray and it drove me nuts for so long trying to figure out what is what :banghead:. This year I decided to pay close attention and get everything straight from the start.
I dunno how you keep everything you got going on straight!!! HolyXcowF2 SpiceXGeistF1! Podding up on the BPTepin...Those will be some killer pods! Can't wait to hear the taste review!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Shane is a riot....... Those crosses are awesome Choc Bhut x Douglah OHHHH BOOYYYYYY :onfire: :onfire: :onfire: Excellent work my friend. The crosses you sent have survived EVERYTHING excellent crosses you have Truly
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Shane is a riot....... Those crosses are awesome Choc Bhut x Douglah OHHHH BOOYYYYYY :onfire: :onfire: :onfire: Excellent work my friend. The crosses you sent have survived EVERYTHING excellent crosses you have Truly

Yeah Choco Bhut x Douglah is definitely going to be interesting. Good to hear the crosses are suvivng, I hope they yield some tasty peppers for you!