• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

⌘ Spicegeist 2013 ⌘

Today we were walloped with a snowstorm in Southwest Virginia and since I was taking some pics of the snow I thought I'd also get started with sharing my pepper progress.

My 2013 selection:

C. chinense
Red Bhuts
Yellow Bhuts
Choco Bhuts
TS Morouga Blend
TS Butch T
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Yellow
Choco Hab
Pimenta Morango
Yellow Congo
Pimenta da Neyde
Cumari do Para

C. annuum
Sonoran Chiltepin
Vietnamese Tear Jerker
Peruvian Wild
Armac Chiltepin

C. galapagoense

C. chacoense
CAP 501

C. praetermissum
Cumari Pollux

C. baccatum
Uba Tuba

C. frutescens
Indiana Pequin
Duke Pequin
Donne Sali
Guam Boonie
Aji Chuncho
Piri Piri

C. parvifolium

C. pubescens
Rocoto Inca
Dino Pod

Choco Bhut x Douglah F1
Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut F1
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1
Sonoran Chiltepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore F1
CAP 501 (C. chacoense) x C. chinense F1
Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F1 and F2
Douglah x Butch T
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Cumari Pollux (C. praetermissum) F1
Locato x CGN19198
Florida Wild x C. chinense F1
Duke Pequin x Pimenta da Neyde
Duke Pequin x Bhut
Wiri Wiri x Bhut

Outside today:

Pots for later on:

Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F2... I wasn't counting on purple being so dominant here, will have to pick a few from these to grow out:

Here are some of my 2013 treasures.

I was able to start four C. galapagoenses (they didn't all come up on the same date):




Some special crosses I made in 2011:

Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1:

Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut Jolokia (C. chinense) F1:
Here's this year's list, I'll have to pick and choose to narrow this down:
C. chinense
Red Bhuts
Yellow Bhuts
Choco Bhut
TS Morouga Blend
TS Butch T
7 Pot Barrackpore
7 Pot Brain Strain
7 Pot Yellow
Choco Hab
Pimenta Morango
Yellow Congo
Pimenta da Neyde
Cumari do Para

C. annuum
Vietnamese Tear Jerker
Peruvian Wild
Chiltepin Armac
Chiltepin Hermosillo
Chiltepin Amarillo 1
Chiltepin Amarillo 2
Chitepin Tarahumara
Chiltepin Guatemala
Chiltepin Sonora
Florida Wild

C. galapagoense

C. chacoense
CAP 501

C. praetermissum
Cumari Pollux

C. baccatum
Uba Tuba

C. frutescens
Indiana Pequin
Duke Pequin
Donne Sali
Aji Chuncho
Piri Piri
African Bird
St. Lucia Bird
PI 281353 (CGN 17020)
C. parvifolium

C. pubescens
Rocoto Inca
Dino Pod

Choco Bhut x Douglah F1
Queen Laurie (C. baccatum) x Yellow Bhut F1
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Brain Strain (C. chinense) F1
Sonoran Chiltepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore F1
CAP 501 (C. chacoense) x Red Bhut F1
Pimenta da Neyde x Bhut F1 and F2
Douglah x Butch T
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Cumari Pollux (C. praetermissum) F1 A
Aji Cristal (C. baccatum) x Cumari Pollux (C. praetermissum) F1 B (more pubescent than A)
Locato x CGN19198
Florida Wild x C. chinense F1
Florida Wild x C. annuum
Duke Pequin x Pimenta da Neyde
Duke Pequin x Bhut
Cumari do Para or C. Galapagoense x Superhot C. chinense (most likely either TS Morouga Blend or Douglah)
Spicegeist said:
Next year I will try to focus it a little more.  I'm in the process of figuring out a strategy to grow fewer plants.  My dream is to only grow 10 or 12 plants.
Portuge said:
Thats the hardest decision your gonna be making there... To many varieties to choose from and to narrow it down to only 10...
Seems like there are at least 10 new "must grow" varieties that spring up each year making it worse! I set out to grow 20ish this year...ummm WAY more than double that going right now. :rofl:
SG!  Your pot-ups look fantastic!  They def love the sunny warmth!
Nice close up pics, too!
Labuya C. annuum, very distinctive plant, grows very large and has dark green foliage:

Potting up a couple of overwinters, Douglah x Butch T on the left, my best Brainstrain from 2012 on the right:

Douglah x Butch T from above:

Brainstrain from above:

Both of my Aji Cristal x Cumari Pollux are flowering, but one is really taking off:

Another round of flowers on my Sonoran Chiltepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore:

I've pollinated a few with Brainstrain pollen, I hope those will take where the C. galapagoense pollinated ones didn't.
Nice flower, Charles! Would be cooler if the petals showed some purple... but what can you do? :P
I was actually talking about the leaves. In the pic, they look neither Baccatum nor Praetermissum-like. From here, if anything, they look almost Chinense-like! :crazy:
Some pics from today.
I'm really enjoying the way this Florida Wild x Unknown C. annuum cross is turning out, can't wait to taste it!:

Flower on the second Aji Cristal x Cumari Pollux cross, this one is more pubescent and slightly purplish...

Vietnamese Tearjerker, maybe there are a couple of plants that go by this name, but this one is definitely a C. annuum.  Very healthy and easy to grow:

My Cumari Pollux (C. praetermissum) in a pot.  It's such a large plant, I'm not sure if this will work out or not:

Another Sonoran Chiltepin x 7 Pot Barrackpore ripening, I ate one earlier and again no seeds.  I have two pollinated with Brainstrain pollen, maybe those will give me some seed:

This has been a very healthy and productive C. galapagoense.  I just germinated two seeds (still hooks at the moment) from this plant to keep this line going:

Flowers on my Choco Bhut x Douglah F1 plant:
RocketMan said:
Man SG some really cool things going on in here. Galapagonse peppers really, now that's not something I see every day, awesome!
They're tiny and tasty imo.  They can be a pain to get to this point... I'm trying to cross it with some other varieties to incorporate the wild genetics...